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J. Golonka and F. J. Picha, eds., 2006, The Carpathians and their foreland: Geology and hydrocarbon resources: AAPG Memoir #84, p. 497-518.


Copyright copy2006. The American Association of Petroleum Geologist.

Reconstruction of Petroleum Systems Based on Integrated Geochemical and Geological Investigations: Selected Examples from the Middle Outer Carpathians in Poland

Irena Matyasik,1 Piotr S. Dziadzio2

1Oil and Gas Institute, Krakow, Republic of Poland
2Polish Oil and Gas Company, Exploration Department, South Regional Division, Jaslo, Republic of Poland


A genetic analysis of oils and potential source rocks and their mutual correlation from three areas of hydrocarbon occurrence in three tectonic units (thrust nappes), Subsilesian, Silesian, and Dukla nappes of the Outer Carpathians in Poland, between Gorlice in the west and Krosno to the east, revises existing opinions on the genesis, Previous HitmigrationTop, and accumulation of hydrocarbons in this part of the Carpathians.

One of the important hydrocarbon accumulations occurs in the Subsilesian unit (Weglowka oil field). Detailed geochemical studies show that the oil that accumulated in the Weglowka oil field is the same type as the oil that accumulated in the Potok anticline located about 10 km (6 mi) to the south in the Silesian nappe and derived from the same Oligocene Menilite shales source rock.

The oldest known source-prone interval in the Subsilesian nappe is the Verovice shales (Lower Cretaceous), which are likely to have produced the hydrocarbons found in the nearby Wola Jasienicka field located 8 km (5 mi) to the east from the Weglowka oil field.

The lower Istebna Shales (Upper Cretaceous) that occurred in the Silesian nappe in the area of Potok anticline could be good source rocks for oil. It is also possible that hydrocarbon generation occurred during several stages, and that mixing of oils derived from Menilite beds and Istebna Shales could have occurred in this area.

Similar studies have been made in the southern part of the study area around the oil-rich Gorlice region in the Silesian nappe. This study indicates that the oils accumulated in fields of this region were generated from the Menilite shales of the Dukla nappe, which occurred in tectonic windows in the Magura nappe.

The tectonic relationship of the producing fields in the Weglowka–Potok clearly shows the occurrence of several major syncline around the fields. The deepest are to the south of the Wola Jasienicka and Potok fields, which could represent the generative kitchen for these fields during the different stages of Carpathian thrusting.

In addition, computer-generated simulations of oil generation in the vicinity of Gorlice and Potok areas suggest hydrocarbon generation and expulsion during the middle Miocene to Pliocene (Holocene).

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