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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Chapter from:
Treatise of Petroleum Geology / Handbook of Petroleum Geology: Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps, Edited by Edward A. Beaumont and Norman H. Foster
(Publication Subject: Oil Methodology, Concepts)

Treatise of Petroleum Geology / Handbook of Petroleum Geology: Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps. Chapter 2: Classification of Exploration Traps
Copyright © 1999 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Chapter 2

Classification of Exploration Traps


Richard R. Vincelette, Edward A. Beaumont, and Norman H. Foster


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Vincelet.jpg (3664 bytes)Richard R. Vincelette

Richard Vincelette graduated with a B.S. degree in geological engineering from Montana Tech. in 1960 and received a Ph.D. in geology from Stanford in 1964. He has spent the last 35 years searching for, and occasionally finding, the elusive hydrocarbon Previous HittrapTop. At present he is a geologist and chief curmudgeon with JOG Corporation in Healdsburg, California.

Beaumont.jpg (3829 bytes)Edward A. Beaumont

Edward A. (Ted) Beaumont is an independent petroleum geologist from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He holds a BS in geology from the University of New Mexico and an MS in geology from the University of Kansas. Currently, he is generating drilling prospects in Texas, Oklahoma, and the Rocky Mountains. His previous professional experience was as a sedimentologist in basin analysis with Cities Service Oil Company and as Science Director for AAPG. Ted is coeditor of the Treatise of Petroleum Geology. He has lectured on creative exploration techniques in the U.S., China, and Australia and has received the Distinguished Service Award and Award of Special Recognition from AAPG.

Foster.jpg (3788 bytes)Norman H. Foster

Norman H. Foster received a bachelor's degree (1957) and a master's degree (1960) in geology at the University of Iowa. In 1963 he completed his Ph.D. in geology at the University of Kansas. His geological career began in 1962, with Sinclair Oil in Casper, Wyoming. When Sinclair merged with Arco in 1969, Foster was offered expanding opportunities to participate in a number of important discoveries, including the giant Irian Jaya field in Indonesia. In 1979, he became an independent geologist and continued to prospect both in the United States and abroad. In addition to winning AAPG's Sidney Powers Memorial Medal for 1999, the former AAPG president received the Levorsen Award (1980), two Certificate of Merit awards (1987 and 1992), and the Distinguished Service Award (1985). He was a member of the AAPG Foundation and an AAPG Trustee Associate since 1979. His professional activities included GSA, SEG, SPE, SIPES, SEPM, and the National Academy of Sciences.

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