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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Special Volumes
Soares, A., J. A. Almeida, and L Guerreiro, modeling
and geostatistics: Principles, methods, and case studies, volume II: AAPG Computer Applications in Geology 5, p.
Incorporating Secondary Information Using Direct Sequential Cosimulation
A. Soares,1 J. A. Almeida,2 L. Guerreiro3
1Instituto Superior Tcnico Lisbon, Portugal
2Instituto Superior Tcnico Lisbon, Portugal
3Partex Oil and Gas Lisbon, Portugal
This research was supported by grants of the Compagnie Generale de Geophysique. We acknowledge the constructive reviews of Jean Paul Diet.
Direct sequential simulation is a new approach to stochastic simulation that does not require any prior transformation of the original variable or any posterior transformation of simulated values. To simulate continuous variables, the algorithm uses the estimated local mean and variance to sample from a global cumulative distribution function. An advantage of this approach over sequential Gaussian simulation or sequential indicator simulation is that it accommodates the joint simulation of several variables under the direct simulation principle; that is, coregionalization modeling
is performed with the original variables. The direct joint simulation methodology is presented in this chapter, and a representative set of examples is provided to illustrate the potential of the method to incorporate secondary information in the characterization of oil reservoirs.
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