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Beucher-Darricau, H., B. Doligez, and J. M. Yarus, 2006, Modeling complex reservoirs with multiple conditional techniques: A practical approach to reservoir characterization, in T. C. Coburn, J. M. Yarus, and R. L. Chambers, eds., Stochastic modeling and geostatistics: Principles, methods, and case studies, volume II: AAPG Computer Applications in Geology 5, p. 289-299.


Copyright copy2006 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

Modeling Complex Reservoirs with Multiple Conditional Techniques: A Practical Approach to Reservoir Characterization

H. Beucher-Darricau,1 B. Doligez,2 J. M. Yarus3

1Centre de Geacuteostatistique, Ecole des Mines de Paris Fontainbleau, France
2Institut Franccedilais du Peacutetrole Rueil-Malmaison, France
3Quantitative Geosciences Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


Modeling petroleum reservoirs and the intricacies of their inherent morphological and structural characteristics requires sophisticated tools. These tools may consist of deterministic or stochastic methods that allow the interwell space to be filled with representative reservoir properties. Integrating a variety of modeling tools may be necessary for characterizing complex reservoirs. In such cases, the relationships among the lithofacies, the shapes and sizes of the sedimentary bodies, and the depositional mode of the litostratigraphic units must be defined.

It is also important to incorporate other types of information. Including conceptual geological information or three-dimensional Previous HitseismicTop data enhances the model particularly when borehole and core data are limited. This chapter demonstrates the use of object-based, pixel-based, and hybrid stochastic-simulation techniques using a case study involving data from the Ravenscar Group located along the east coast of Yorkshire in the United Kingdom.

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