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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A046 (1977)

First Page: 111

Last Page: 124

Book Title: SG 5: Reefs and Evaporites--Concepts and Depositional Models

Article/Chapter: Seismic Data-Processing Techniques in Exploration for Reefs, Northern Michigan

Subject Group: Reservoirs--Carbonates

Spec. Pub. Type: Studies in Geology

Pub. Year: 1977

Author(s): P. L. McClintock (2)


Difficulty in detecting reefs in northern Michigan is caused mainly by noise, "Previous HitmultiplesTop" (reverberations), variations in topography, and variations in thickness of weathered material and glacial drift. During the last three years new data-processing techniques--such as automatic statics and deconvolution, and relative-amplitude processing methods--have led to improved detection of reefs. Quality of information from seismic sections is enhanced further as data-processing geophysicists gain experience in the areas of activity. Communication among data-processing geophysicists, interpreters, and geologists also is necessary to produce the most reliable picture of subsurface geology in the reef tracts.

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