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Chapter from: CA
3: Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics
Edited by
Jeffrey M. Yarus and Richard L. ChambersAuthors:
Michael Edward Hohn and Ronald R. McDowell Methodology and Concepts
Published 1994 as
part of Computer Applications 3
Copyright © 1994 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
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Chapter 11
Analysis of Oil Production
and Potential Using Indicator
KrigingMichael Edward Hohn
Ronald R. McDowell
West Virginia Geological
and Economic Survey
Morgantown, West Virginia,
Heterogeneous reservoirs lead
to serious discontinuities in production from well to well, whether caused
by sedimentological or structural factors. Geostatistical methods, such
as ordinary kriging, are useful both for assessing degree of heterogeneity
and for drawing maps of production and initial potential. Because of small-scale
spatial variability in production from heterogeneous reservoirs, conventional
contour maps suffer from numerous closed contours and ill-defined trends,
whereas maps of kriged estimates suffer from a lack of fine details because
of the smoothing property of kriging. Indicator kriging uses multiple transforms
based on selected cutoffs to model spatial variability. For each indicator
variable, the practitioner computes variograms, fits a model, and computes
kriged estimates representing the probability of exceeding the cutoff.
Applied to cumulative production and initial potential of oil from wells
in a Lower Mississippian sandstone in West Virginia, indicator kriging
with three cutoffs showed the presence of distinct north-south trends and
a major east-west discontinuity in production and potential. These trends
could be related to similar anisotropies in the presence of interbedded
shales and high-density zones within the reservoir, north-south oriented
basement faults, and an east-west structural discontinuity. |
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