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AAPG Special Volumes


Chapter from: CA 3: Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics 

Edited by 
Jeffrey M. Yarus and Richard L. Chambers

Methodology and Concepts

Published 1994 as part of Computer Applications 3
Copyright © 1994 The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.  All Rights Reserved.

SECTION III: Methods and Case Studies
The chapters assembled for this section represent applications of a wide spectrum of methods, and case histories covering a great diversity of geological settings, ages, and depositional environments. Methods include stochastic simulation, kriging, cokriging, external drift, Boolean, and fractals. Variables are treated either as indicator, Gaussian, or truncated Gaussian data. Some chapters illustrate the integration of soft data (seismic) as ancillary data to aid in spatial estimation and uncertainty reduction.

K. Tyler et al. apply an object- (Boolean-) based method to model fluvial system heterogeneities and show the impact of the model on production profiles in Modeling Heterogeneities in Fluvial Domains: A Review of the Influence on Production Profiles.

Modeling of shoreface reservoirs is used as an example to illustrate the link between geologic and stochastic models. A. C. MacDonald and J. O. Aasen illustrate the use of truncated Gaussian fields to describe the distribution of discrete or categorical variables, such as facies or facies tracts. Shoreface facies are simulated with a linear trend to account for the direction of progradation and the degree of contemporaneous aggradation. Their chapter is entitled A Prototype Procedure for Stochastic Modeling of Facies Tract Distribution in Shoreface Reservoirs.

A. S. Hatløy discusses the use of an object- (Boolean-) based method, combining empirical relations, probability distributions, and (geo)logical rules to model fluvial facies in Numerical Facies Modeling Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Methods.

Indicator kriging was used by M. E. Hohn and R. R. McDowell to assess heterogeneity and trends in initial potential and cumulative production data. They believe that the use of multiple cutoffs was instrumental in revealing underlying geologic features that control production. Follow their discussion in Geostatistical Analysis of Oil Production and Potential Using Indicator Kriging.

Recently there has been an increased effort to integrate production data in geostatistically based reservoir models. C. V. Deutsch and A. G. Journel present their approach, based on simulated annealing, to integrate well test-derived effective permeability into reservoir models in Integrating Well Test-Derived Effective Absolute Permeabilities in Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling.

Five chapters illustrate the use of soft or secondary data (seismic data) to aid in interwell estimation and reduction in model uncertainty. R. L. Chambers et al., in their chapter, Constraining Geostatistical Reservoir Descriptions with Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Seismic Data to Reduce Uncertainty, use seismic data inverted to acoustic impedance to aid in estimating interwell porosity. They use the external drift data integration method and compare and contrast kriging and simulation methods. In their chapter, Importance of a Geological Framework and Seismic Data Integration for Reservoir Modeling and Subsequent Fluid-Flow Predictions, W. M. Bashore et al. show how the choice of the geological model (lithostratigraphic or chronostratigraphic) can impact the character of the reservoir model and ultimate fluid-flow prediction. They also illustrate the use of seismic data in constraining the reservoir description.

D. J. Wolf et al. illustrate the use of kriging with external drift to integrate seismic reflection amplitude to aid in estimating interval porosity thickness. They also introduce the use of risk maps to assess uncertainty in Integration of Well and Seismic Data Using Geostatistics. J. Chu et al. present in some detail a three-dimensional case study of the reservoir described by Chambers et al. In their chapter, Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Implementation of Geostatistical Analyses--The Amoco 


Case Study, they illustrate the difficulties in building a Previous Hit3-DNext Hit description, especially when one is attempting to integrate seismic information into the model and present some solutions.

The chapter by T. Høye et al. details the use of seismic reflectors (top, base, and intrareservoir reflectors) into stochastic models to aid in constructing a structural model of the reservoir. Their objective was to highlight a target well location and assess uncertainty in the modeled results. Depth conversions were aided by modeling surface velocity as a Gaussian random field conditioned on the well locations. Follow their procedures in Stochastic Modeling of Troll West with Special Emphasis on the Thin Oil Zone.

S. A. McKenna and E. P. Poeter illustrate the use of an indicator simulation technique to incorporate soft (imprecise) data into a simulation of facies to help reduce model uncertainty. The soft data used in their study are synthetic data (real data plus noise). Their chapter, Simulating Geological Uncertainty with Imprecise Data for Goundwater Flow and Advective Transport Modeling, is applicable to the petroleum industry.

In Fractal Methods for Fracture Characterization, T. A. Hewett illustrates the concept of fractals and self-similarity and scaling laws using fracture networks. He points out that the most useful fractal sets for describing natural property distributions are those displaying self-similarity.

Description of Reservoir Properties Using Fractals, by M. Kelkar and S. Shibli, rounds out the discussion of fractals with a case study. This work investigates the utility of fractal geometry for describing the spatial correlation structure of rock properties in carbonate and clastic rock types.

A. S. Almeida and P. Frykman obtained stochastic images of porosity and permeability in a Maastrichtian North Sea chalk reservoir. In Geostatistical Modeling of Chalk Reservoir Properties in the Dan Field, Danish North Sea, they use a Gaussian collocated cosimulation algorithm, built on a Markov-type hypothesis, to perform direct cosimulation of spatially interrelated variables. Log-derived porosity was used as soft data during the cosimulation.

Innovative modeling techniques were combined to generate a realistic characterization of a complex eolian depositional environment for a multicompany reservoir management problem. D. L. Cox et al. first model the eolian bedding geometries and dimensions of four different stratification types. Permeability fields were generated within the conditional simulation of reservoir model, scaled-up for flow simulation and compared to historical field production data in Integrated Modeling for Optimum Management of a Giant Gas Condensate Reservoir, Jurassic Eolian Nugget Sandstone, Anschutz Ranch East Field, Utah Overthrust (USA).

C. J. Murray uses a variety of methods, including cluster analysis, discriminant function analysis, and sequential indicator simulation (SIS) to identify and model petrophysical rock types. Simulated annealing was used to postprocess the SIS images such that the images honor rock type transitional frequencies in well data. Follow this process in Identification and Previous Hit3-DTop Modeling of Petrophysical Rock Types.

Uncertainty is a statistical term used to describe what we do not know. The results of a geostatistical model include a number of possible outcomes, each equally likely, and each physically portraying, in a variety of ways, the portion of the model we do not know. Thus, for example, a channel may vary in size, shape, and location from outcome to outcome in an area where there is no hard data. Tracking these variations and developing a sense of how variable the model is can be very important. This section's final chapter, by R. M. Srivastava, nicely illustrates the topic of visualizing uncertainty. In The Visualization of Spatial Uncertainty, Srivastava demonstrates a unique way of looking at the various possible outcomes of a given geostatistical model.



Jeffrey M. Yarus and Richard L. Chambers

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