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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Special Volumes
Originally presented at the 1998 Hedberg (AAPG) Research Conference at Galveston, TX
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These factors could end up reflected in the rock quality of the reservoir. Questions affecting risk frequently asked during the evaluation of ever more distal deepwater prospects include queries such as whether the reservoir will become cleaner or finer as we move downdip, or if it will change compositionally. Also of concern and interest is whether there are any dramatic changes in composition either spatially or areally which would affect rock petrophysics as related to either amplitude response or reservoir quality.
Earlier work in the Green Canyon area has indicated that the composition of Pleistocene reservoirs pretty much reflects that of the sediments being transported by the Mississippi, with the implication the sediments move directly from a shelf edge delta position and are transported downdip as turbidite flows with little or no change in overall sand size or sand composition. A pilot study was undertaken looking at 1600 samples from 35 wells to look at the issues of reservoir quality over a wider distribution of age and geographic location. Due to limits of available data the deepwater area of the Rio Grande is not represented, with all the well control being from the middle of East Breaks eastward to Viosca Knoll. A variety of data were available, including whole core, side wall cores, various grainsize data using different methodologies, XRD compositional data, and limited petrographic data. Most of the samples are mid Miocene and younger.
Observations from the overall data:
Since the bulk of the data was focused in the Green Canyon corridor this data was looked at as a separate population. Changes in the rocks in this area should mostly reflect changes in the Mississippi, with some influences from the Sabine/Red. Observations from this area include:
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank Conoco, Inc. for allowing presentation and publication of this material. Thanks also Erwin Ramos (USL) for compiling data, Joe Hoover (Conoco, Lafayette) for drafting, and Khalid Soofi (Conoco, Houston) for some cool looking maps.
Bluemle, J. P., 1972, Pleistocene drainage development in North Dakota: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 83, p. 2189-2194.
Prather, B. E., Booth, J. R., Steffens, G. S., and Craig, P. A., 1998, Classification, lithologic calibration, and stratigraphic succession of seismic facies of intraslope basins, deep-water Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82, p. 701-720.
Swadley, W. C., 1980, New evidence supporting Nebraskan age for origin of Ohio River in north-central Kentucky: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1126-H, 7 p.
Teller, J. T., 1973, Preglacial (Teays) and early glacial drainage in the Cincinnati area, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 84, p. 3677-3688.
Figure 1. Present Day Drainage Patterns
Figure 2. Percent Kaolinite as a function of age
Figure 3. Percent Kaolinite as a function of Longitude
Figure 4. Percent Plagiclase as a function of age
Figure 5. Percent plagioclase as a function
of location
Figure 6. Constituents bracketed by age
Figure 7. Grainsize analyses of samples with greater than
50% sand