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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A032 (1990)

First Page: 57

Last Page: 71

Book Title: SG 30: Deposition of Organic Facies

Article/Chapter: Wireline Source-Rock Evaluation in the Paris Basin: Chapter 5

Subject Group: Geochemistry, Generation, Migration

Spec. Pub. Type: Studies in Geology

Pub. Year: 1990

Author(s): Susan L. Herron, Louis Le Tendre


Souce-rock identification and quantification using wireline logs and interpretation techniques are examined for a Previous HitwellNext Hit in the Paris Basin which penetrates the organic-rich lower Toarcian shale. An 18-m interval of the source rock was cored and logged with the Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool (GST (FOOTNOTE *)) and Litho-Density (FOOTNOTE *) tool in order to determine the total organic carbon content (TOC). The GST carbon/oxygen ratio and calcium Previous HitlogNext Hit are incorporated into a new interpretation which treats the formation as a mixture of solid, fluid, and kerogen. This Previous HitanalysisNext Hit yields a carbon Previous HitlogNext Hit with concentrations ranging from 4 to 11% and a total organic carbon Previous HitlogTop ranging from 2 to 6.5 %, both of which are in excellent agreement with core data. Of four discriminant functions reviously proposed for source-rock identification from conventional logs, only one correctly identifies the interval as a source rock; two others only identify intervals with total organic carbon (TOC) greater than 6%.

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