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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


R. Swennen, F. Roure, and J. W. Granath, eds., Deformation, fluid flow, and reservoir appraisal in foreland fold and thrust belts: AAPG Hedberg Series, no. 1, p. 277-275.

Copyright © 2004 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.


Folding-related Fracture Pattern and Physical Properties of Rocks in the Chaudrons Ramp-related Anticline (Corbiegraveres, France)

Stefano Tavani,1 Laurent Louis,2 Christine Souque,3 Philippe Robion,4 Francesco Salvini,5 Dominique Frizon de Lamotte6

1Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Universitagrave degli Studi Roma 3, Rome, Italy
2Deacutepartement des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Environnement, Universiteacute de Cergy-Pontoise, France
3Deacutepartement des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Environnement, Universiteacute de Cergy-Pontoise, France
4Deacutepartement des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Environnement, Universiteacute de Cergy-Pontoise, France
5Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Universitagrave degli Studi Roma 3, Rome, Italy
6Deacutepartement des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Environnement, Universiteacute de Cergy-Pontoise, France


This study results from an agreement between Roma 3 (Italy) and Cergy-Pontoise (France) universities. Research councils of both institutions are acknowledged for their support. This work has been partly elaborated during a stay of F. Salvini at Cergy-Pontoise University as an invited professor. The chapter benefited from discussion with Christian David, Pascale Leturmy, Bertrand Maillot, Franccedilois Roure, and Fabrizio Storti. The authors also acknowledge Rudy Swennen and Jim Granath for their helpful review of the chapter.


Reservoir appraisal is commonly a difficult task in fold and thrust belts. Thrust-related folding leads to the development of meso- to microscopic brittle structures that can significantly alter the porosity and permeability properties of reservoir rocks, thus influencing fluid Previous HitmigrationNext Hit and accumulation. The aim of this chapter is to describe at different scales the deformation associated to the development of the Chaudrons thrust-related anticline (Corbiegraveres, France) and to discuss its influence on reservoir quality. Pervasive solution cleavage sets at high angle to bedding (ATB) were found and measured along the fold. In addition, collected core samples were used to measure the rock physical properties (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and anisotropy of the P-wave velocity). The distribution of deformation in the anticline was used to identify three different deformational panels: crest, rounded forelimb, and constantly steeping forelimb. The crest is characterized by the lowest cleavage intensity. Nonpenetrative solution cleavages and the magnetic foliation are orthogonal to bedding. In the rounded forelimb, bedding dip progressively rotates from 0 to 60deg. Cleavage intensity progressively increases, and cleavage and magnetic foliation ATBs progressively increase from 80 to 120deg and then remain Previous HitconstantTop in the steep forelimb. The timing of the development of mesoscale structures, as well as changes of physical properties occurring before and during folding, is also discussed.

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