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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


P. Boult and J. Kaldi, eds., 2005, Evaluating fault and cap rock seals: AAPG Hedberg Series, no. 2, p. 163-178.


Copyright copy2005 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

Evaluation of Late Cap Rock Failure and Hydrocarbon Trapping Using a Linked Pressure and Stress Simulator

A. E. Lothe, H. Borge, Oslash. Sylta

Sintef Petroleum Research, Trondheim, Norway


We thank Norsk Hydro ASA for their funding to Lothe's Ph.D. thesis on hydraulic fracturing, providing data, and giving permission to publish. Colleagues at Sintef Petroleum Research are thanked for useful discussions. Roy H. Gabrielsen has kindly corrected an early version of the manuscript.


Hydraulic fracturing and Previous HitleakageNext Hit can be controlling factors for hydrocarbon Previous HitleakageNext Hit in overpressured sedimentary basins over geological time. Knowledge of the lateral flow properties of major faults is needed to simulate how pressure generation and dissipation can influence the sealing potential of cap rocks. The hydraulic fracture processes in the cap rock need to be evaluated to quantify timing and the amount of hydraulic Previous HitleakageNext Hit.

To address these issues, we use a single-phase simulator, which calculates pressure generation resulting from mechanisms, such as shale compaction and drainage, and mechanical and chemical compaction in sandstones. Pressure dissipation and lateral flow are simulated between different pressure and stress compartments defined by major fault patterns at the top reservoir level. An empirical model for the minimum horizontal stress is applied to the Griffith–Coulomb failure criterion and the sliding criterion to estimate hydraulic fracturing.

Only minor changes, if any at all, in the amount and timing of hydraulic fracturing and Previous HitleakageNext Hit in the modeled pressure compartments are present when the coefficient of internal friction and frictional sliding are varied. When varying fault permeability, low fault permeabilities give early Previous HitleakageNext Hit, whereas high permeabilities result in late or no hydraulic fracturing and Previous HitleakageNext Hit. Our simulations also suggest that Previous HitleakageNext Hit in one pressure compartment influences the neighboring compartments, and large compartments control the Previous HitleakageNext Hit pattern in surrounding areas. The amount of cumulative Previous HitleakageNext Hit depends on the timing of Previous HitleakageNext Hit and size of the compartment. Uncertainties of timing and Previous HitleakageNext Hit for different compartments can be estimated using the pressure measured in the wells today as calibration. The uncertainty in the estimates can be used as guidelines for possible hydrocarbon Previous HitleakageTop risks.

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