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Nelson, P. H., and S. M. Condon, 2008, Attributes of a large underpressured Previous HitgasNext Hit system, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, in S. P. Cumella, K. W. Shanley, and W. K. Camp, eds., Understanding, exploring, and developing tight-Previous HitgasNext Hit sands—2005 Vail Hedberg Conference: AAPG Hedberg Series, no. 3, p. 193-220.


Copyright copy2008. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Attributes of a Large Underpressured Previous HitGasNext Hit System, San Juan Basin, New Mexico

Philip H. Nelson,1 Steven M. Condon2

1U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
2U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.


Constructive comments by Dan Hayba, Debra Higley-Feldman, and Dick Keefer, all of the U.S. Geological Survey, led to improvements in the manuscript, and a discussion with Dan Hayba improved our understanding of the computation of hydraulic head. Reviews by Rusty Riese of BP America and Charles Head of ConocoPhillips led to further refinements. Joyce Kibler of the U.S. Geological Survey compiled the data and many of the figures.


Large quantities of natural Previous HitgasNext Hit have been produced from underpressured Cretaceous reservoirs of the San Juan Basin since 1951, yet the reasons for the underpressuring and the containment mechanisms remain a subject of inquiry. In this investigation, compilations of reservoir pressures from the 1950s and early 1960s are used to minimize the perturbations caused by later Previous HitgasNext Hit production. The pressures are projected to two basin-scale cross sections showing the structural configuration and stratigraphy of Cretaceous and younger rock units. Previous HitGasNext Hit pressures in the Dakota Sandstone vary according to location, with pressure/depth ratios of 0.36 psi/ft (8.16 kPa/m) in the west and 0.41 psi/ft (9.27 kPa/m) in the east, where pressures approach hydrostatic values. Previous HitGasNext Hit pressures in the sandstones of the Mesaverde Group are remarkably consistent, with pressure/depth ratios of 0.24 psi/ft (5.42 kPa/m), except in the southeast corner of the Previous HitgasNext Hit accumulation where the pressure/depth ratio is 0.35 psi/ft (7.91 kPa/m).

Pressure-elevation plots, in conjunction with cross sections and measurements of hydraulic head in water wells, show that the Previous HitgasNext Hit system is not buoyant in the way that a conventional Previous HitgasNext Hit accumulation is buoyant. Underpressuring in this basin reflects the absence of bottom water and the presence of top water. The pressure reference for the Previous HitgasNext Hit is at the edge of the Previous HitgasNext Hit accumulation instead of at the bottom, and the preproduction Previous HitgasNext Hit pressure is determined by the elevation of the lateral transition from downdip Previous HitgasNext Hit to updip water on the southwestern limb and other margins of this asymmetric basin.

No pressure discontinuity between Previous HitgasNext Hit and water exists at the updip edge of the Previous HitgasNext Hit accumulation; hence, no seal in the usual sense exists, and there is no need for one. The hard seal of a shale or an evaporite formation is replaced by a capillary soft seal caused by a transition from low-permeability downdip rocks to high-permeability updip rocks. Hydrodynamic trapping, an explanation that has been cited for many years, is not required. Instead, the Previous HitgasNext Hit is just sitting in a pancake-shaped volume bounded by a low-permeability base, a gentle stratigraphic rise on one side, and more steeply dipping monoclines on the other three sides. The Previous HitgasNext Hit does not escape from the edges of the basin because no excess Previous HitgasTop pressure can exist in the absence of an underlying aquifer.

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