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Hicks, P. J. Jr., C. M. Fraticelli, J. D. Shosa, M. J. Hardy, and M. B. Townsley, 2012, Identifying and quantifying significant uncertainties in basin modeling, in K. E. Peters, D. J. Curry, and M. Kacewicz, eds., Basin Modeling: New Horizons in Research and Applications: AAPG Hedberg Series, no. 4, p. 207219.


Copyright copy2012 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

Identifying and Quantifying Significant Uncertainties in Basin Modeling

Paul J. Hicks Jr.,1 Carmen M. Fraticelli,2 Jennifer D. Shosa,3 Martine J. Hardy,4 Michael B. Townsley5

1ExxonMobil Exploration Co., Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
2ExxonMobil Exploration Co., Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
3ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co., Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
4ExxonMobil International Limited, Surrey, United Kingdom
5ExxonMobil Technical Computing Co., Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


We thank Robert Funnell and an anonymous reviewer for their useful comments.


Basin models are used to address a variety of questions concerning oil and gas generation, reservoir pressure and temperature, and oil quality. A large number of input parameters are required for a basin Previous HitmodelNext Hit, and many are functions of both space and time. Examples include isopach thicknesses and ages, amount of eroded/missing section, rock properties (e.g., porosity, thermal conductivity), and heat flow and surface temperature boundary conditions. Most, if not all, of these Previous HitmodelNext Hit input parameters have associated uncertainties, and it can be difficult and time consuming to adequately quantify these uncertainties and propagate them through a basin Previous HitmodelNext Hit to assign error bars, probabilities, and risks to the output properties of interest.

In this chapter, we propose a workflow that allows a basin modeler to identify key input parameters and quantify and propagate uncertainties in these key input parameters through a Previous HitmodelNext Hit to evaluate the Previous HitmodelNext Hit results in light of a business question. We demonstrate this workflow using a hypothetical illustration in which uncertainties in key input parameters that control hydrocarbon generation, volumes, and timing are identified, quantified, and propagated through a basin Previous HitmodelNext Hit.

The workflow proposed in this chapter was designed to (1) identify the purpose(s) of the Previous HitmodelNext Hit; (2) develop a base-case scenario; (3) identify the input parameters whose uncertainty might affect the output property of interest; (4) perform screening simulations to identify the key input parameters; (5) evaluate the range of uncertainty in the key input parameters; (6) propagate the uncertainty in key input parameters through the Previous HitmodelTop to the output properties of interest and estimate ranges of uncertainty for these input parameters; and (7) iterate as needed to fine tune the input parameters and dependencies between input parameters, fine tune error bars and weights for calibration data, and improve the base-case scenario.

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