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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A110 (1982)

First Page: 129

Last Page: 152

Book Title: M 34: Studies in Continental Margin Geology

Article/Chapter: Deep Structure and Evolution of the Carolina Trough: Rifted Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

Subject Group: Geologic History and Areal Geology

Spec. Pub. Type: Memoir

Pub. Year: 1982

Author(s): D. R. Hutchinson, J. A. Grow, K. D. Klitgord, B. A. Swift


Multichannel seismic-reflection data together with two-dimensional gravity and magnetic models suggest that the crustal structure off North Carolina consists of normal continental crust landward of the Brunswick magnetic anomaly (BMA), rift-stage crust in the 80-km-wide zone between the BMA and the East Coast magnetic anomaly (ECMA), and normal oceanic crust seaward of the ECMA.

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