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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A113 (1988)

First Page: 97

Last Page: 105

Book Title: M 45: The Pannonian Basin: A Study in Basin Evolution

Article/Chapter: Contribution of Seismic Reflection Data to Chronostratigraphy of the Pannonian Basin: Chapter 9

Subject Group: Geologic History and Areal Geology

Spec. Pub. Type: Memoir

Pub. Year: 1988

Author(s): F. Horvath, Gy. Pogacsas


Available magnetostratigraphic and radiometric Previous HitageNext Hit data for Neogene sedimentary rocks within the Great Hungarian Plain can be shown to be consistent with each other if primary seismic reflectors are interpreted as geological time lines. Using this premise, we argue that the boundary between the lower and upper Pannonian (s. l.) units is diachronous and varies from 9 Ma to about 7 Ma. Lithogenetic units, determined by analyzing the trend of lithologic development in drill holes, and the Previous HitcorrelationNext Hit of these units by reflection seismic data provide a means of dividing the lower Pannonian into three subunits (Pa<pl>1a<above>1</pl>, Pa<pl>1b<above>1</pl>, and Pa<pl>2<above>1</pl>). By combining Previous HitageTop data with these correlations, the unconformity between synrift and postrift sediments can be shown to represent a time gap of one to several million years in many places in the Pannonian basin.

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