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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Special Volumes
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Japan has been part of an arc-trench system or systems since the Mesozoic. During this time, major sedimentary basins developed in response to variations in plate motion. Active basin infilling began 0.5 to a few m.y. after changes in plate motion.
Tectonic movement and eustatic sea-level changes control development of transgressive and regressive cycles in sedimentary basins. Tectonic movement related to changes in plate motion activated tectonic subsidence in sedimentary basins that, in turn, resulted in transgressions.
In Japan, the rates of transgressions and regressions are variable through the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Different patterns of transgression and regression can best be interpreted in terms of the relative magnitude of interacting tectonic movement and eustatic sea-level changes. Rapid transgressions followed by slow regressions occur in Miocene-Pleistocene successions; slow transgressions and rapid regressions are found in the Paleogene-Cretaceous successions; and rapid transgressions and regressions are interrupted by long stillstands characteristic of the Jurassic-Triassic interval.
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