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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A115 (1992)

First Page: 343

Last Page: 360

Book Title: M 53: Geology and Geophysics of Continental Margins

Article/Chapter: Seismic Facies Interpretation of the Northern Green Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico: Chapter 19: Sea-Level and Seismic Stratigraphic Studies

Subject Group: Geologic History and Areal Geology

Spec. Pub. Type: Memoir

Pub. Year: 1992

Author(s): Robert G. Mann, William R. Bryant, Philip D. Rabinowitz


Interpretation of over 4800 km of multichannel seismic data over the northern Green Canyon area identified five seismic facies: parallel continuous, subparallel discontinuous, progradational, chaotic, and intraslope basin facies. In addition, four distinctive sedimentary features--channel complexes, fan lobes, sedimentary mounds, and slumps--were identified and utilized in the interpretation of depositional processes for this area. Variable density turbidity currents, mass movements, and pelagic and hemipelagic sedimentation are the major sedimentary processes interpreted from the data. Eastward migration of channels and fan lobes and a southeastward shift of the prograding shelf edge with time are interpreted from the distribution of seismic facies. Although lacking suff cient paleontology data, a three-stage depositional model, based on relative sea-level changes, is proposed.

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