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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Special Volumes
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The Koryak-Kamchatka-Kuril and Alaska-Aleutian areas form the northern part of the Pacific mobile belt (Pacifides). The Koryak-Kamchatka-Kuril system represents the polycyclic migration areas of eu- and miogeosynclinal style of development and the general migration of geosynclinal systems (Mesozoides, Cenozoides, modern Kuril geosyncline) in a southeast direction from the continent to the ocean. This migration is emphasized by a system of reentrant angles formed by the intersection of zones of deep-seated faults which border the geosynclines. The bisectors of the reentrant angles show the general direction of migration of the geosynclinal processes which occurred along and across the general trend of the area.
The Alaska-Aleutian area represents the polycyclic type of eu- and miogeosynclinal development. The migration of the geosynclinal processes occurred along the Cordilleran belt (early Mesozoides, late Mesozoides, modern Aleutian geosyncline). The fact that geosynclinal formations synchronous to the Cenozoides of the Olyutorskiy-East Kamchatka system are absent in Alaska reflects the asymmetric structure of the northern part of the Pacifides. The character of the junction of the Aleutian arc with the Kamchatka Cenozoides (through the Komandorskiy Islands) in the west and with the Alaska Mesozoides in the east also shows the asymmetry. The development of the geosynclinal systems of the northern part of the eastern Asian-coastal Pacific zones is mainly associated with tensional tectonic m vements. Systems of North America have compressional movements. This fact is confirmed by the struclural-formational and tectonic-magmatic features of the development of the geosynclinal systems of the northern part of the Pacific belt.
The fold systems of the adjoining areas of the Arctic mobile belt (Arctides)--North Alaska and Novosibirsk-Chukotsk--join the Pacifides along the zone of the Mackenzie-Lena deep-seated faults. The systems are characterized by monocyclic and miogeosynclinal types of development.
The metallogenic character of the Pacifides and adjoining Arctides is one of diverse late Mesozoic and Cenozoic ores (gold, mercury, copper, and polymetals, and tin and tungsten--in the Arctides especially); low-temperature ores prevail. It may be assumed that the possible oil and gas basins of Arctic Canada, North Alaska, the Chukotsk Peninsula, and the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas compose a single hydrocarbon belt timed tectonically to the Arctides. The existence of a North Pacific belt of oil and gas accumulations, including the oil and gas basins of the Kamchatka-Koryak and the Cordilleran-Alaska areas, is also assumed.
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