Chapter from:
AAPG Memoir 67: Seals, Traps, and the Petroleum System, Edited
by R. C. Surdam, p. 31-47
(Publication Subject: Oil Methodology, Concepts)
AAPG Memoir 67: Seals, Traps, and the Petroleum System. Chapter 3: Seal Capacity of Nonsmectite Shale, by James T. Krushin
Copyright © 1997 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights
Chapter 3
Seal Capacity of Nonsmectite Shale
James T. Krushin1
Amoco Exploration and Production Company, U.S.A.
consultant, 13102 Fallsview Lane, #4904-F, Houston, Texas
Laboratory-derived petrophysical measurements confirm that
the sealing shale's largest interconnected pore throats can limit the size of hydrocarbon
columns. These largest interconnected pore throats define the seal capacity of the shale.
Interpreting displacement pressure from high-pressure mercury injection porosimetry (MIP)
data permits calculating seal capacity, the hydrocarbon column-limiting capillary property
of the rock. Displacement pressure is the pressure at which the nonwetting phase (i.e.,
mercury in the laboratory tests) begins to displace the wetting phase from the largest
interconnected pore throats. The 12 well-indurated nonsmectite shales studied range in age
from Precambrian to Jurassic and vary in mineralogy, porosity, permeability, cation
exchange capacity, organic content, and stratification. The shales are treated as two
distinct groups with respect to interpreting displacement pore throat size: nonorganic
shales and organic shales. Estimation of mineral percentages by X-ray diffraction
analysis, and classifying the shales according to silt/clay ratios, laminations, and major
nonclay/nonsilt mineralogy, permit petrographic prediction of seal capacity for nonorganic
shales. Quartz content of the matrix is the best predictor of the displacement pore throat
size for nonorganic shales. Sandy mudstones have the largest measured tabular displacement
pore throats for nonorganic shales and are in the 30-40 nm range. This pore throat size
range can limit the size of very large gas columns. Clay-rich and calcareous shales have
such small displacement pore throats (<15 nm) that they are excellent capillary seals.
The organic shales studied have large displacement pore throats relative to their low
porosity when compared to nonorganic shales. Volume reduction of the matrix associated
with hydrocarbon generation contributes to the largest pore throats in organic shales.