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Lunar Helium-3 Previous HitEnergyNext Hit Resources

Harrison H. Schmitt1

1University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Engineering Physics, 1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, Wisconsin, 53706, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected])


I recognize the research team of the Fusion Technology Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, led by G. L. Kulcinski, as having been primarily responsible for stimulating worldwide interest in the potential of lunar helium-3 resources and their by-products. Beginning in 1985, the state of Wisconsin and numerous private contributors have made possible the groundbreaking work of the Wisconsin team.


The financial, environmental, and national security carrot for helium-3 fusion power requires access to low-cost lunar helium-3. Helium-3 fusion potentially would provide an environmentally benign means of helping to meet an anticipated ninefold or increase in Previous HitenergyNext Hit demand by 2050. Not available in other than research quantities on Earth, this light isotope of ordinary helium-4 reaches the Moon as a component of the solar wind. Embedded continuously in the lunar dust for billions of years, concentrations have reached levels of potential economic interest. Near the United States Apollo 11 landing site in Mare Tranquillitatis, 2 km2 (0.8 mi2), to a depth of 3 m (9.8 ft), contains about 100 kg (220 lb) of helium-3, that is, more than enough to power a 1000 MWe (1 gigawatt [GW]) fusion power plant for a year.

In 2008, the Previous HitenergyNext Hit equivalent value of helium-3 relative to $2.50/million Btu (0.25 times 106 kcal) industrial coal equaled about US $1.4 billion a metric tonne (1.1 tons). One metric tonne (1.1 tons) of helium-3, fused with deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen, has enough Previous HitenergyNext Hit to supply a city of 10 million with a year's worth of electricity or more than 10 GW of power for that year.

The financial envelope within which helium-3 fusion must fit to be of interest to potential investors, as related to other 21st century Previous HitenergyTop sources, includes total development cost approximately US $15 billion, competitive coal costs US $2.50 or higher/million Btu (0.25 times 106 kcal), and payload costs to the Moon approximately US $3000/kg ($1360/lb).

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