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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Memoir 121: Integrated Geology of Unconventionals: The Case of the Vaca Muerta Play, Argentina, 2020
Pages 469-496
DOI: 10.1306/13682237M1203841

Pilot Phase of the Aguada Federal Block, Black-Oil Window

Osvaldo Nielsen, David Curia, Pablo Pateti, Javier Caniggia, Alexis Ortega, Morten Slinde


The Vaca Muerta Formation is the main source rock in the Neuquén Basin and covers an area of 30,000 km2 (11,583 mi2). The Aguada Federal block is located in the central Neuquén Basin where the Vaca Muerta Formation is within the oil window, with 1.00–1.15% vitrinite reflectance, 35° API, 7% total organic carbon that decreases upsection in a stratigraphic column 200–250 m thick (∼650–800 ft). The former operator Gas y Petróleo del Neuquén S.A. drilled the ACOc.x-1 shale oil discovery Previous HitwellNext Hit in 2013. During 2014 to 2017, Wintershall Dea entered an exploration phase collecting high-quality data (i.e., full Previous HitlogTop suites, cores, microseismic, and 3-D seismic), and drilling two wells and four horizontal pilot wells to characterize the potential of the Vaca Muerta unconventional play. Currently, the Aguada Federal block is being evaluated to move towards the development phase.

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