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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Chapter from: M 61: Basin Compartments and Seals 
Edited by 
Peter J. Ortoleva

Suzanne D. Weedman, Albert L. Guber, and Terry Engelder
Methodology and Concepts

Published 1994 as part of Memoir 61
Copyright © 1994 The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.  All Rights Reserved

Chapter 6

Deep Pressure Previous HitSealNext Hit in the Lower Tuscaloosa Formation, Louisiana Gulf Coast

Suzanne D. Weedman
Albert L. Guber
Terry Engelder
Penn State University
University Park, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.



Repeat formation tester (RFT) pore pressure measurements spanning a depth range of 5500-6060 m in the lower Tuscaloosa Formation (Upper Cretaceous) document a pressure discontinuity of >20 MPa at ~5680 m forming a pressure Previous HitsealNext Hit in two natural gas fields in the Tuscaloosa trend, Louisiana. In the Morganza field the depth to the top of overpressure varies by less than 30 m across two adjacent fault blocks, though equivalent strata are downthrown by 100 to 120 m. In contrast, the depth to the top of overpressure in the nearby Moore-Sams field rises slightly across the same fault. Therefore, the nearly horizontal top of overpressure does not appear to coincide with time- or lithostratigraphic boundaries.

The overpressures in all of the Moore-Sams and some of the Morganza fields wells follow a local hydrostatic gradient with increasing depth indicating that pore fluids below the pressure Previous HitsealNext Hit are in communication, and demonstrating that sandstone connectivity occurs below the pressure Previous HitsealNext Hit as well as above. In the remaining Morganza wells, overpressure increases with depth in a stair-step manner that may comprise offset local hydrostatic gradients, to magnitudes of 117 MPa at depths of 5.9 km. The occurrence of the pressure Previous HitsealNext Hit within interbedded sandstones and shales, where high sandstone connectivity is expected, suggests that the sandstones of the Previous HitsealNext Hit zone are unusually tight.

The above observations coupled with a petrographic study of sandstones from the vicinity of the pressure Previous HitsealNext Hit suggest that extreme compaction of the sandstones after dissolution of carbonate cements may have contributed to the low permeability indicated by the pressure data, and that the Previous HitsealTop formed a kilometer or more shallower than it is today.

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