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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Chapter from: M 61: Basin Compartments and Seals 
Edited by 
Peter J. Ortoleva

Peter A. Drzewiecki, J. Antonio Simo, P. E. Brown, E. Castrogiovanni, Gragory C. Nadon, Lisa D. Shepherd, J. W. Valley, M. R. Vandrey, B. L. Winter, and D. A. Barnes

Methodology and Concepts

Published 1994 as part of Memoir 61
Copyright © 1994 The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.  All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 13

Diagenesis, Diagenetic Banding, and Porosity Evolution of the Middle Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone and Glenwood Formation
in the Michigan Basin

Peter A. Drzewiecki
J. Antonio Simo
P. E. Brown
E. Castrogiovanni
Gregory C. Nadon
Lisa D. Shepherd
J. W. Valley
M. R. Vandrey
B. L. Winter
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
D. A. Barnes
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan, U.S.A.



The Middle Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone and Glenwood Formation of the Michigan basin are composed of alternating intervals of quartz sandstone, micritic carbonate, and an occasional thin shale. They contain abnormally pressured compartments in the deepest portion of the basin. Some of these pressure compartments are gas reservoirs and are bounded, above and below, by diagenetically banded sandstone and/or carbonate sedimentary units.

Diagenetically banded sandstones are dominated by bands of quartz cement that formed as a result of chemical compaction, quartz dissolution, and quartz precipitation during burial. Petrographic and geochemical data suggest that quartz overgrowths precipitated from fluids with a slight meteoric component. Dolomite, the second most abundant authigenic mineral in diagenetic bands and elsewhere in the St. Peter and Glenwood, postdated quartz overgrowths and precipitated from hypersaline fluids at high temperatures. Values of d13C from the dolomite indicate that the carbon was partially derived from the Previous HitmaturationTop of organic matter, and the carbon isotopic composition appears to be stratigraphically controlled. Bands of dolomite 


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