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Chapter from: M
61: Basin Compartments and Seals
Edited by
Peter J. OrtolevaAuthors:
Gerilynn R. Moline, Jean M. Bahr, and Peter A. Drzewiecki Methodology and Concepts
Published 1994 as
part of Memoir 61
Copyright © 1994 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
Chapter 14
and Porosity Estimation
by Electrofacies DeterminationGerilynn R. Moline
Jean M. Bahr
Peter A. Drzewiecki
University of Wisconsin--Madison
Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Low-permeability seals associated with
abnormal pressures are most commonly identified by examining vertical pressure
profiles and noting the depths at which a major change in the pressure
gradient occurs. Alternatively, zones of very low permeability that may
act as fluid seals may be identified on the basis of core analyses and
well tests. Often, however, there are an insufficient number of direct
pressure or permeability measurements to adequately identify the depth
and lateral extent of these seals. A method has been developed for estimating
porosity and permeability through the use of wireline logs. Multivariate
statistical techniques are used to segment the logs and group the segments
into electrofacies types. Application of this technique to 18 wells within
the St. Peter Sandstone of the Michigan basin shows that the electrofacies
characterization reflects both the hydraulic and diagenetic characteristics
of the formation. Six electrofacies types have been identified, one of
which has characteristics similar to those found within seals in other
basins. |
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