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Chapter from: M
61: Basin Compartments and Seals
Edited by
Peter J. OrtolevaAuthors:
Ronald C. Surdam, Zun Sheng Jiao, and Randi S. Martinsen Methodology and Concepts
Published 1994 as
part of Memoir 61
Copyright © 1994 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
Chapter 15
The Regional
Pressure Regime in Cretaceous Sandstones and Shales in the
Powder River BasinRonald C. Surdam
Zun Sheng Jiao
Randi S. Martinsen
University of Wyoming
Laramie, Wyoming, U.S.A.
The Cretaceous shale section in the Powder
River basin below a present-day depth of approximately 8000 ± 2000
ft (2400 ± 600 m) typically is overpressured. The top of the transition
zone, 500-1000 ft (150-300 m) thick, in the upper portion of the overpressured
section occurs within the Steele Formation; and the "hard" overpressured
zone, ~2000 ft (600 m) thick, typically begins in the Niobrara Formation,
with the base of the zone parallel to the Fuson Shale, the lowermost organic-rich
shale in the Cretaceous stratigraphic section. The upper and lower boundaries
of the pressure compartment are subparallel to stratigraphic boundaries.
Toward the basin margin where the Cretaceous section is at shallow depth
(~6000 ft [1800 m]) the overpressured shale section is wedge shaped.
The overpressured Cretaceous shale section
in the Powder River basin is a basinwide dynamic pressure compartment.
The driving mechanism is the generation of liquid hydrocarbons that subsequently
partially react to gas, converting the fluid-flow system to a multiphase
regime where capillarity dominates the relative permeability, creating
elevated displacement pressures within the shales.
In contrast, many of the Cretaceous sandstones
are subdivided into relatively small, isolated pressure or fluid-flow compartments
1 to 10 mi (1.6-16 km) in greatest dimension. The compartmentation is the
result of internal stratigraphic elements, such as paleosols along unconformities.
These internal stratigraphic elements are low-permeability rocks with finite
leak rates in a single-phase fluid-flow system but evolve into relatively
impermeable capillary seals with discrete displacement pressures as the
flow regime evolves into a multiphase fluid-flow system. This evolution
of the fluid-flow system is caused by the addition of hydrocarbons to the
fluid phase as a result of continuous burial and increasing thermal exposure.
The three-dimensional closure of the capillary seals above, below, and
within a sandstone results in isolated fluid-flow or pressure compartments
within the sandstone.
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