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Chapter from: M
62: Petroleum Basins of South America
Edited by
A. J. Tankard, R. Suarez Soruco, and H. J. WelsinkAuthors:
R. Mon and J. A. Salfity Basin and Aerial Analysis/Evaluation
Published 1995 as
part of Memoir 62
Copyright © 1995 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
Evolution of the Andes of Northern Argentina
R. Mon
Universidad Nacional
de Tucumán-CONICET
Tucumán, Argentina
J. A. Salfity
Universidad Nacional
de Salta-CONICET,
Salta, Argentina
Several superimposed
tectonic stages distinguished by varying structural styles are recognized
in the Andes of northern Argentina (22°-28° S lat). The oldest
structures occur in the Precambrian crystalline basement. This basement
forms the central core of the region and is made up of several multiply
deformed belts. These belts were intruded by several generations of granitoids
and were amalgamated during the Panamerican orogeny (Late Brazilian orogeny,
700-600 Ma). A westward-vergent foldbelt containing Ordovician marine sediments
shows eastward-dipping axial plane cleavage. It lies along the western
border of the crystalline core and acts as host rock to pretectonic intrusives.
Development of the folding is assigned to the Late Ordovician Ocloyic orogeny.
The sub-Andean ranges and Puna Silurian-Devonian successions were folded
during the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous at the beginning of the Gondwanan
cycle (Chañic orogeny). This tectonic cycle is represented in several
late Paleozoic basins that surround the study area. The inversion of those
basins probably took place during the middle Permian San Rafael orogeny.
The Andean cycle commenced
with the opening of rift troughs filled with thick continental deposits
during Early Cretaceous-Eocene time. The inversion of these troughs began
with the late Eocene Inca movements, but was completed during the Miocene
Quechua and Pliocene-Pleistocene Diaguita orogenies. From late Oligocene
time onward, continental basins developed, and an extensive Miocene-Pleistocene
volcanic arc originated on the western flank of the study area. These Cretaceous-Cenozoic
basins were inverted by the Diaguita orogeny. Andean tectonics caused clearly
differentiated morphostructural units. The most westerly of these is the
Puna Plateau, characterized by Precambrian basement and Paleozoic rocks
sheets that were thrust over Tertiary continental successions. East of
the Puna, the Eastern Cordillera represents a tectonic stack of Precambrian
basement and Paleozoic rock sheets thrust eastward over the sub-Andean
ranges. This latter belt forms the outermost unit, made up of large faulted
anticlines. South of 27° S lat, a change occurs in the architecture
of the Andean foreland. The sub-Andean ranges and the Eastern Cordillera
are replaced by faulted blocks of Precambrian crystalline basement and
Paleozoic granitic intrusions, which form the Pampean ranges. This paper
summarizes the evolution of the oil-bearing basins of northern Argentina. |
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