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Chapter from: M
62: Petroleum Basins of South America
Edited by
A. J. Tankard, R. Suarez Soruco, and H. J. WelsinkAuthors:
E. Jaillard, M. Ordonez, S. Benitez, G. Berrones, N. Jimenez,
G. Montenegro, and I. Zambrano Basin and Aerial Analysis/Evaluation
Published 1995 as
part of Memoir 62
Copyright © 1995 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
Development in an Accretionary, Oceanic-Floored Fore-Arc Setting: Southern
Coastal Ecuador During Late Cretaceous-Late Eocene Time
Étienne Jaillard
Paris, France
Martha Ordoñez
Stalin Benitez
Gerardo Berrones
Nelson Jiménez
Galo Montenegro
Italo Zambrano
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Southern coastal
Ecuador is an accreted terrane underlain by an oceanic crust formed during
the AptianAlbian. To the southeast, the oceanic crust is overlain by Cenomanian-Coniacian
fine-grained pelagic deposits, coarse-grained volcaniclastic turbidites
of Santonian-Campanian age, and Maastrichtian-middle Paleocene tuffaceous
shales. Toward the northwest, late Campanian-Paleocene volcaniclastic beds
and lava flows of island arc composition rest on the oceanic crust. This
results from the opening of a marginal basin between an early Late Cretaceous
island arc (Cayo arc) and a latest Cretaceous-Paleocene island arc (San
Lorenzo arc).
In the late Paleocene, the
accretion of the Cayo remnant arc to the Andean continental margin caused
a major deformation phase that affected only the southern part of coastal
Ecuador. There, deformation was sealed by thick, coarse-grained, quartz-rich
turbidites that constitute the infilling of an early fore-arc or slope
basin. A subsequent tectonic event in the early Eocene is believed to have
resulted in emergence of the entire area.
At the early-middle Eocene
boundary, new fore-arc basins were created that filled with mud and clastic
shelf deposits. A marked disconformity is overlain by coastal to continental
coarse-grained deposits of late middle-early late Eocene age. These express
a major tectonic phase attributed to definitive collision of coastal Ecuador
with the Andean margin. The entire area then emerged, until the formation
of new fore-arc basins in the latest Oligocene-Miocene.
The late Paleocene, earliest
Eocene, and early late Eocene tectonic events are the most important deformation
phases to affect southern coastal Ecuador and represent its progressive
accretion to the margin. The creation of repeated fore-arc basins can be
attributed to subsidence from crustal erosion of the upper plate because
each subsidence event succeeded an important compressive phase that must
have favored coupling and tectonic erosion. This complex geologic history
has implications for burial and maturation of organic matter and must be
taken into account in guiding oil exploration in coastal Ecuador. |
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