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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Special Volumes
Edited by Authors:
Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela |
Isopach maps show that the Paleocene-Eocene depocenter of the Maracaibo basin was an asymmetric, elongate trough containing up to 7 km of Paleocene-Eocene clastic rocks. The main Paleocene-Eocene depocenter is flanked on its north and northeast margin by a partially exposed south-southwest verging fold and thrust belt. Isopach mapping suggests a northwest-southeast migration of the depocenter from Paleocene to middle Eocene time. Previous work on sandstone composition, paleocurrent measurements, and seismic reflections of prograding clinoforms all support the idea that the basin formed as a foreland depression in front of a west-southwest verging fold and thrust belt along the eastern side of the basin. This model contrasts with a previous interpretation that deltaic systems in a passive margin setting south and southwest of the basin were the main source areas. A similar style of younger foreland basin has been previously identified over a distance of 1000 km in central and eastern Venezuela and Trinidad. Eocene-Recent ages of foreland basin sedimentation in these areas suggest time-transgressive oblique collision of an exotic Pacific-derived Caribbean plate along the northern passive margin of continental South America. |
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