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Chapter from: M
62: Petroleum Basins of South America
Edited by
A. J. Tankard, R. Suarez Soruco, and H. J. WelsinkAuthors:
F. Parnaud, Y. Gou, J. -C. Pacual, I. Truskowski, O. Gallango,
H. Passalacqua, and F. Roure Basin and Aerial Analysis/Evaluation
Published 1995 as
part of Memoir 62
Copyright © 1995 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
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Geology of the Central Part of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin
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François Parnaud
Yves Gou
Jean-Claude Pascual
Rueil-Malmaison, France
Irene Truskowski
Oswaldo Gallango
Herminio Passalacqua
Intevep, S.A.
Caracas, Venezuela
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F. Roure
Rueil-Malmaison, France
Two main petroleum
provinces are described for the central part of the Eastern Venezuelan
basin. These include the southern foreland platform near the Orinoco, with
its heavy oil fields of the Faja Petrolifera, and in the north, the giant
El Furrial and related traps in the frontal thrusts of the Serrania. To
identify the petroleum systems and define attractive petroleum plays in
this complex foreland fold and thrust belt system, an integrated geologic
model of the area has been built using stratigraphic, structural, reservoir,
and geochemical data. The major results of the study are as follows: (1)
a reliable stratigraphic synthesis including updated ages; (2) a coherent
structural interpretation in the thrusted zones validated by a balanced
north-south cross section, with relevant new interpretations being the
discovery of out-of-sequence thrusts (Pirital thrust) and the involvement
of upper crust in the deformation; (3) the description of reservoir and
hydrodynamic models that emphasize the importance of the major Las Piedras,
Oficina, and Merecure reservoirs; and (4) characterization of three different
source rocks of marine and continental origin in the Guayuta Group (two
marine sources) and Carapita Formation (one continental source).
To better understand the
petroleum generation in this area--the maturation of potential source rocks,
expulsion, and migration of the hydrocarbons--one- and two-dimensional
numerical modeling has also been attempted in the platform area for times
before and after thrusting. This method has given an estimate of 420-1350
billion bbl of generated oil, of which 6-15% have been recognized within
the study area. |
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