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Chapter from: M
63: Unconformities and Porosity in Carbonate Strata
Edited By
D.A. Budd, A.H. Saller, P.M. HarrisAuthors
S.W. Tinker, J.R. Ehrets, and M.D. Brondos Carbonate Reservoirs
Published 1995 as
part of Memoir 63
Copyright © 1995 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
Chapter 11
Multiple Karst
Events Related to Stratigraphic Cyclicity: San Andres Formation, Yates
Field, West TexasS. W. Tinker
Marathon Oil Company
Petroleum Technology
Littleton, Colorado,
J. R. Ehrets
Consulting Geologist
Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
M. D. Brondos
Marathon Oil Company
Petroleum Technology
Littleton, Colorado,
Open caves and solution-enhanced joints
influence porosity distribution and fluid flow in Yates field. Therefore,
applying an accurate model for cave formation, describing the distribution
of cave and karst features, and quantifying the contribution of caves to
total pore volume is important in order to characterize the reservoir.
Prior work showed that karst and caves in Yates field were formed by meteoric
processes acting on subaerially exposed islands following San Andres deposition,
and predicted that the number of open caves should decrease with depth
below the top of the San Andres Formation. The current work addresses three
related issues: the possibility of multiple karst events in the San Andres
of Yates field and the relationship of these events to stratigraphic cyclicity,
the 3-D distribution of caves in the reservoir and the areas where future
well deepenings might encounter caves in the field, and the effect of subaerial
exposure on porosity and permeability.
There is a relationship between cave distribution
and sequence stratigraphy in Yates field. Sequence-stratigraphic interpretation
indicates that four major cycles aggraded and prograded from west to east.
Each major cycle has a clinoformal geometry, shoals upward overall, and
was capped by a subaerially exposed island complex. On these exposed islands
separate cave lenses formed as a result of meteoric processes. Because
the clinoforms and their associated island complexes aggraded and prograded
from west to east, deeper drilling in Yates field should encounter additional
caves to the west of known shallower caves in the east.
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