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Chapter from: M
66: Hydrocarbon Migration And Its Near-Surface Expression
Edited By
Dietmar Schumacher and Michael A. AbramsAuthors:
B. M. Krooss and D. Leythaeuser Geochemistry, Generation, Migration
Published 1996 as
part of Memoir 66
Copyright © 1996 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
B. M., and D. Leythaeuser, 1996, Molecular diffusion of light hydrocarbons
in sedimentary rocks and its role in migration and dissipation of natural
gas, in D. Schumacher and M. A. Abrams, eds., Hydrocarbon migration
and its near-surface expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p. 173-183. |
Diffusion of Light Hydrocarbons in Sedimentary Rocks and Its Role in Migration
and Dissipation of Natural Gas |
B. M. Krooss
Institute of Petroleum
and Organic Geochemistry
Forschungszentrum Jülich
GmbH (KFA)
Jülich, Germany
D. Leythaeuser
Department of Geology
University of Cologne
Köln, Germany |
The role of
molecular diffusion during different stages of hydrocarbon migration bas
been an issue of recurrent interest during the past 40 years. Controversial
views on the importance of this transport mechanism can be partially attributed
to inconsistent definitions and computational errors. Considerable amounts
of light hydrocarbons can be released by diffusion, even from thick source
rock sequences. At higher generation rates, primary migration of gas is,
however, dominated by volume flow (Darcy flow). Molecular transport of
C5-C9 hydrocarbons in source rocks deviates strongly
from ideal diffusion behavior.
Secondary migration is dominated
by volume flow, and diffusion plays only a subordinate role. Diffusion
may be important in the dismigration of natural gas if seal leakage by
volume flow does not occur over extended periods of time. Average diffusive
fluxes for methane through seals reported in various studies range from
0.16 to 89 m3/km3/year. For comparison, the compressible
volume flow of gas through a shale 50-450 m thick with a permeability of
1 nanodarcy (10-21 m2) was calculated between 100
and 1000 m3/km3/year. Numerical simulation of diffusion
in the context of integrated two-dimensional basin modeling improves the
quantification of molecular transport of hydrocarbon gas in petroleum systems. |
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