for conducting surface geochemical surveys and measuring the hydrocarbon
flux rates of hydrocarbons migrating to the surface are addressed with
examples from natural seeps and from anthropogenic seepage from underground
gas storage reservoirs, leaky well casings, and underground coal gasification
reactors. Natural gas flux was monitored for 1 year at Arrowhead Hot Springs,
San Bernardino County, California, as part of an earthquake prediction
program. The hot spring is on a splay of the San Andreas fault and releases
40 mL/min of free gases containing helium, hydrogen, light hydrocarbon
gases, and radon. The volume of released gases varied by a factor of two
within 7 months. Changes in gas flux could be a precursory signal of earthquake
activity on the locked southern section of the fault and demonstrated that
rapid changes were related to tectonic activity along this major basement
Gas flux associated with
pressure changes in underground storage reservoirs confirms the rapid variations
observed for natural seeps. Other changes in gas concentrations over a
propane storage cavern are related to barometric and meteorologic variations.
The rapidity with which natural gas can migrate through the earth was also
demonstrated by measuring the gas flux in 122 boreholes over an underground
coal gasification reactor. Baseline gas concentrations were established
one month before the 180-m- (600-ft-) deep retort was pressured and fired.
Leaked gases were detected at the surface in 2 to 15 days, depending on
the location of the boreholes with respect to the retort at depth.
The underground coal gasification
(UCG) reactor provided an outstanding vehicle for migration flux measurements
because of the unique gases generated in the reactor. Also, pressure and
compositional changes in the reactor occur at known times in direct response
to operational procedures. Individual gas pulses exhibited chromatographic
effects as the gases migrated away from the source at depth. These chromatographic
changes existed for only a few hours at the onset of a pressure pulse in
the subsurface reactor and quickly returned to steady-state conditions
in which the composition of the reactor gases matched those escaping at
the surface. |