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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Chapter from:
AAPG Memoir 70: Abnormal Pressures in Hydrocarbon Environments
Edited by B.E. Law, G.F. Ulmishek, and V.I. Slavin
Copyright &copy1998 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Memoir 70, Chapter 6: Abnormally High Formation Pressures: Origin, Prediction, Hydrocarbon Field Development, and Ecological Problems, by V.I. Slavin
andE.M. Smirnova, Pages 105 - 114

Chapter 6

Abnormally High Formation Pressures: Origin, Prediction, Hydrocarbon Field Development, and Ecological Problems

V.I. Slavin1
E.M. Smirnova
VNIGRI, St. Petersburg, Russia
1Present Affiliation: Consulting Petroleum Geologist, Berlin, Germany


Exploration for and the development of oil and gas fields in zones of abnormally high formation pressures (AHFP) require a good understanding of the origin of AHFP and the development of Previous HitpredictiveTop methods. We classify the causes of AHFP into two genetic groups: (1) a syn-sedimentary group characterized by undercompaction of rocks and (2) a post-sedimentary group characterized by secondary decompaction of rocks. The choice of methods for the prediction and evaluation of AHFP should be based on the origin of abnormal pressure and the lithology of the rocks. The reservoir properties of rocks in AHFP zones suggest that large, in-place resources of hydrocarbons may be present in complex low-permeability clastic and carbonate reservoirs despite low rates of production.

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