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Chapter from:
AAPG Memoir 71: Reservoir Characterization-Recent Advances
Edited by Richard A. Schatzinger and John F. Jordan
Copyright 1999 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Memoir 71, Chapter 2: Characterization of the Distal Margin of a Slope-Basin (Class-III) Reservoir, ARCO-DOE Slant Well Project, Yowlumne Field, California , by Previous HitMichaelNext Hit S. Clark,John D. Melvin, Rick K. Prather, Anthony W. Marino, James R. Boles, and Douglas P. Imperato, Pages 21 - 28

Chapter 2
Characterization of the Distal Margin of a Slope-Basin (Class-III) Reservoir, ARCO-DOE Slant Well Project, Yowlumne Field, California

 Previous HitMichaelTop S. Clark1
John D. Melvin
Rick K. Prather
Anthony W. Marino
ARCO Western Energy
Bakersfield, California, U.S.A.

James R. Boles
Douglas P. Imperato
Geology Department, University of California
Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.

1Present affiliation: Chevron USA Production Co., Bakersfield, CA, U.S.A.


Yowlumne is a giant oil field in the San Joaquin Basin, California, that has produced over 16.7 million m3 (105 million bbl) of oil from the Stevens Sandstone, a clastic facies of the Miocene Monterey Shale. Most Yowlumne production is from the Yowlumne Sandstone, a layered, fan-shaped, prograding Stevens turbidite complex deposited in a slope-basin setting. Well log, seismic, and pressure data indicate seven depositional lobes with left-stepping and basinward-stepping geometries.

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