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Chapter from:
AAPG Memoir 71 : Reservoir Characterization-Recent Advances
Edited by Richard A. Schatzinger and John F. Jordan
1999 by The American Association of
Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Memoir 71, Chapter 11: Transient Productivity Index for Numerical Well Test Simulations ,
by G. Blanc, D. Y. Ding, A. Ene, T. Estebenet, and D. Rahon , Pages 163 - 174
Chapter 11
Transient Productivity Index for Numerical Well
Test Simulations
G. Blanc
D. Y. Ding
A. Ene
T. Estebenet
D. Rahon
Institute Francais du Petrole
Pau, France
The most difficult aspect of numerical simulation of well tests is the treatment of
the bottom-hole flowing (BHF) pressure. In full-field simulations, this pressure is
derived from the well-block pressure (WBP) using a numerical productivity index that
accounts for the grid size and permeability, and for the well completion. This
productivity index is calculated assuming a pseudo-steady-state flow regime in the
vicinity of the well and is therefore constant during the well production period.
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