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AAPG Special Volumes


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Chapter from:
AAPG Memoir 71 : Reservoir Characterization-Recent Advances
Edited by Richard A. Schatzinger and John F. Jordan
Copyright 1999 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Memoir 71, Chapter 19: Evaluation of Multiple Geostatistical Models Using Scaling-Up with Coarse Grids: A Practical Study , by P. Lemouzy , Pages 277 - 292

Chapter 19
Evaluation of Multiple Geostatistical Models Using Scaling-Up with Coarse Grids: A Practical Study

P. Lemouzy
Institut Francais du Petrole
Elf/Ifp Helios Group
Pau, France


In the field delineation Previous HitphaseTop, the uncertainty in hydrocarbon reservoir descriptions is large. In order to quickly examine the impact of this uncertainty on production performance, it is necessary to evaluate a large number of descriptions in relation to possible production methods (well spacing, injection rate, etc.). The method of using coarse scaled-up models was first proposed by Ballin et al. Unlike other methods (connectivity analysis, tracer simulations), it considers parameters such as thermodynamic behavior of the fluids, well management, etc.

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