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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


AAPG Memoir 74, Chapter 17: The Gulf of Mexico Basin South of the Border: The Petroleum Province of the Twenty-First Century, by A. E. Guzman and B. Marquez-Dominguez, Pages 337 - 351
from: AAPG Memoir 74: Petroleum Provinces of the Twenty-first Century, Edited by Marlan W. Downey, Jack C. Threet, and William A. Morgan
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Chapter 17
The Gulf of Mexico Basin South of the Border:
The Petroleum Province of the Twenty-first Century

Alfredo E. Guzmán
PEMEX Exploracion y Producciín, Coordinaciín de Estrategias de Exploraciín
Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico

Benjamín Márquez-Domínguez
PEMEX Exploracion y Producciín, Activo de Exploraciín Misantla-Golfo
Poza Rica, Veracruz, Mexico


The Mexican portion of the Gulf of Mexico Basin (MGOM) extends onshore into several oil- and/or gas-producing basins: Burgos, Tampico-Misantla, Veracruz, and Sureste (the Sureste Basin includes the Salina del Istmo, Comalcalco-Chiapas-Tabasco, Macuspana, Sonda de Campeche, and Litoral de Tabasco provinces). To the east, the MGOM includes the nonproducing Plataforma de Yucatán. The deep-water Gulf of Mexico has been subdivided into eight provinces: Franja Distensiva, Delta del Río Bravo, Franja de Sal Aloctona, Cinturón Plegado de Perdido, Cordilleras Mexicanas, Cañon de Veracruz, Salina del Golfo Profundo, and Planicie Abisal. Based on the petroleum systems and exploration history of these provinces, most undiscovered reserves are likely to be found in the deep water of the MGOM.

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