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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


AAPG Memoir 75, Chapter 5: Classification and Origin of Petroleum in the Mexican Gulf Coast Basin: An Overview, by Mario A. Guzm225_a.jpg (470 bytes)n-Vega, Lilia Castro Ort237_i.jpg (445 bytes)z, Juan R. Rom225_a.jpg (470 bytes)n-Ramos, Luis Medrano-Morales, Lourdes Clara Vald233_e.jpg (471 bytes)z, Emilio V225_a.jpg (470 bytes)zquez-Covarrubias, and Genaro Ziga-Rodr237_i.jpg (445 bytes)guez , Pages 127 - 142
AAPG Memoir 75: The Western Gulf of Mexico Basin: Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and Petroleum Systems, Edited by Claudio Bartolini, Richard T. Buffler, and Abelardo Cant
250_u.jpg (467 bytes)-Chapa
Copyright copyrght.jpg (4253 bytes)2001 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Classification and Origin of Petroleum in the Mexican Gulf Coast Basin: An Overview

Mario A. Guzm225_a.jpg (470 bytes)n-Vega and Lilia Castro Ort237_i.jpg (445 bytes)z
Instituto Mexicano del Petr243_o.jpg (458 bytes)leo, Mexico City, Mexico

Juan R. Rom225_a.jpg (470 bytes)n-Ramos, Luis Medrano-Morales, Lourdes Clara Vald233_e.jpg (471 bytes)z, Emilio V225_a.jpg (470 bytes)zquez-Covarrubias, and Genaro Ziga-Rodr237_i.jpg (445 bytes)guez
Petr243_o.jpg (458 bytes)leos Mexicanos, Mexico City, Mexico


A geochemical and isotopic characterization of a wide selection of the produced oils in the petroleum subprovinces from the Mexican Gulf Coast Basin has revealed five major genetic groups. Their distribution and chemical features appear to reflect multiple sources, facies variations, Previous HitmaturationTop, and postfilling alteration processes. Each group is correlated with a specific generative source, namely (1) Oxfordian marine marl-dominated, (2) Oxfordian marine carbonate-dominated, (3) Tithonian marine marl-dominated, (4) Cretaceous marine carbonate-evaporitic, and (5) Tertiary marine deltaic siliciclastics.

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