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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Special Volumes


Correlation of a Valanginian Stable Isotopic Excursion in Northeastern Mexico with the European Tethys
Thierry Adatte
Institut de Gologie, University of Neuch
Neuchatel, Switzerland
Wolfgang Stinnesbeck
Geologisches Institute, Universitt Karlsruhe
Karlsruhe, Germany
Hans Hubberten
Alfred Wegener Institute fr
Polar- und
Meeresforschung, Potsdam, Germany
Jrgen Remane
Institut de Gologie, University of Neuch
Neuchatel, Switzerland
Jos Guadalupe L
Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra
Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Le
Linares, Mexico
was recognized in an interval of pelagic mudstone corresponding to the upper Valanginian.
A similar
excursion was also observed in coeval strata of the southern Italian Alps and Appennines
(Weissert and Channell., 1985; Weissert et al., 1989; Weissert and Lini, 1991; Lini et
al., 1992); the northern Tethys margin (F
llmi et al. 1994); the Gulf of Mexico (Patton et al., 1984);
and the North Atlantic (Robertson and Bliefnick, 1983) and Pacific (Douglas and Savin,
1973) Oceans. The
13C shift is independent of changes in
microfacies, contents in organic matter, and mineralogical composition of the sediment.
This stable isotopic pattern was also identified in the Vocontian basin in France (Hennig
et al., 1999), and calibrated to the Campylotoxus-Verrucosum zones of the
early/late Valanginian. Integration of our biostratigraphic and isotopic data indicates
the presence, at San Lucas, of a complete Valanginian sequence in terms of European
ammonite and calpionellid zones, whereas at La Huasteca some of the zones may be absent.
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