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AAPG Memoir 76, Chapter 3: The Primary Controls over Sediment Compaction
, by Phil Holbrook, Pages 21 - 32
AAPG Memoir 76: Pressure Regimes in Sedimentary Basins and Their Prediction,
Edited by Alan Huffman and
Glenn Bowers
Copyright © 2001 by The American Association
of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3
The Primary Controls over Sediment Compaction
Phil Holbrook
Forced Balanced Petrophysics
Houston, Texas
Mineralogic composition is the primary control over sediment compaction. Near-surface sediments and
sedimentary rocks compact in proportion to the effective stress load applied to the grain matrix framework.
The load borne by the grain framework is a volumetric force-balance relationship within and
between solid particles. Mineral ionic bonds bear the load within particles and across direct grain-grain
contacts. Electrostatic repulsive forces between negatively charged clay mineral particles also bears a
part of the effective stress load.
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