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AAPG Special Volumes


C. Bartolini, R. T. Buffler, and J. Blickwede, 2003, The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean: Hydrocarbon habitats, basin formation, and plate tectonics: AAPG Memoir 79, p. 624-637.

Copyright copy2003. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Lower Cretaceous Pelagic Limestones in Southern Belize: Proto-Caribbean deposits on the Southeastern Maya Block

A. Schafhauser,1 W. Stinnesbeck,1 B. Holland,2 T. Adatte,3 J. Remane3

1Institut fuumlr Regionale Geologie, Universitaumlt Karlsruhe, Germany
2Belize Minerals Ltd., Punta Gorda, Belize
3Institut de Geacuteologie, Universiteacute de Neuchacirctel, Switzerland


We thank Jose Guadalupe Lopez-Oliva, Universidad Autoacutenoma de Nuevo Leon, Linares, for determination of Aptian-Albian microfossils, Gerta Keller, Princeton, for determination of Paleogene planktic foraminifers of the Sepur Formation and Stephan Unrein, University of Karlsruhe, for preparation of thin sections. We acknowledge constructive review of this paper by William C. Ward and Robert W. Scott. This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant STI 128/2-3 and 2-4).


The Cretaceous sedimentary sequence at Punta Gorda in southern Belize corresponds only partially to the known stratigraphic column of the Maya Block. In addition to dolomites and anhydrites of the Coban Formation (Aptian-Santonian), rudist-bearing shallow-water carbonates of the Campur Formation (Campanian-Maastrichtian), and the siliciclastic flysch sequence of the Sepur Formation (Maastrichtian-Eocene), pelagic limestones and limestones of debris-flow origin are present at Punta Gorda. They are of Berriasian-Valanginian and Aptian-Albian ages. Today, they are thrust onto dolomites of the Coban Formation and shales of the Sepur Formation.

The pelagic limestones are similar in age and lithology to the sedimentary sequence of southwestern Cuba and suggest a common depositional area on the eastern margin of the Maya Block in the Proto-Caribbean Basin.

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