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AAPG Special Volumes


C. Bartolini, R. T. Buffler, and J. Blickwede , 2003, The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean: Hydrocarbon habitats, basin formation, and plate tectonics: AAPG Memoir 79, p. 1-45.

Copyright copy2003. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Controls on the Deposition of Upper Cretaceous Organic Carbon–rich Rocks from Costa Rica to Suriname

R. N. Erlich,1 T. Villamil,2 J. Keens-Dumas3

1Burlington Resources International, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
2Ecopetrol, Bogotaacute, Colombia; Present affiliation: Lukoil Overseas Colombia, Bogotaacute1, Colombia
3Petrotrin, Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad and Tobago


The authors wish to thank the following individuals for their contributions to this study: C. Arango, J. Bergen, M. A. Lorente, A. J. Nederbragt, D. Pocknall, and J. Stein (biostratigraphy); B. Harry, H. Krause, O. Macsotay, and J. Mikesch (Previous HitstratigraphyTop); S. Palmer-Koleman, A. Pepper, L. Pratt, and Z. Sofer (geochemistry); B. Harry, D. Loureiro, O. Macsotay, A. J. Nederbragt, M. Ostos, D. Pocknall, C. Yeilding, and F. Yoris for assistance in the field. D. Ballard provided expert drafting assistance. The comments and suggestions of P. A. Emmet and A. F. Callejoacuten significantly improved the manuscript. We also wish to thank the managements of Burlington Resources, Ecopetrol, Petrotrin, BP, and Staatsolie for their gracious permission to publish this report.


The deposition of organic carbon–rich sediments during the Late Cretaceous in northern South America was controlled by global and local oceanographic, climatic, and tectonic variables. Key in establishing ldquosource rockrdquo depositional systems across the region were eustatic sea-level rise, warming global sea-surface temperatures, the formation of low-latitude saline bottom waters, and a relatively constant supply of fine-grained hemipelagic sediment (mostly derived from the south and east). Specific paleobathymetric conditions enhanced the development of stagnant water masses from the proto-Caribbean plate to Suriname. Organic-matter preservation was aided by the presence of these water masses across the region. Primary productivity was elevated above ldquonormalrdquo marine levels only in the protocentral Caribbean and along the ancestral Costa Rica/Panama island arc, or during seasonal upwelling in northern South America.

Cooler, wetter climatic conditions that began in the late Santonian also were modified by regional and local variables. The development of new intermediate/bottom-water masses, increased polar heat transport caused by improved deep-ocean circulation, and fluctuations in volcanogenic CO2 provided a background effect for local variables such as bathymetry and topography. The development of oxygenated high-latitude water masses provided a means for ventilation of stagnant, low-oxygen bottom waters across northern South America and the central Caribbean. Stronger seasonal upwelling (increased wind stress caused by better polar heat transport, and northward movement of the South American Plate into the zone of northward Ekman transport), more frequent fluvial outflow and deltaic deposition, and the submergence of key paleobathymetric barriers aided ventilation and subsequently diminished organic-matter preservation. Most of these variables had a positive impact on primary productivity and caused rapid changes in the diversity of planktonic foraminifera through the end of the Cretaceous.

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