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G. M. Grammer, P. M. “Mitch” Harris, and G. P. Eberli, 2004, Integration of outcrop and modern analogs in reservoir modeling: AAPG Memoir 80, p. 261-278.

Copyright copy2004. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Integration of High-resolution Outcrop and Subsurface Previous HitDataNext Hit to Enhance Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit of Low-resolution Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Previous HitDataNext Hit in the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) Carbonate System in Western Canada

Anne M. Schwab,1 Frans S. P. van Buchem,2 Gregor P. Eberli3

1University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
2Institut Franccedilais du Peacutetrole(IFP), Paris, France
3University of Miami, Miami Florida, U.S.A.


This work was part of a joint project sponsored by the COPREP Consortium (Elf Exploration Production, Institut Franccedilais du Petrole, Total, and Gaz de France). We thank them for permission to publish this project. Field and core work were performed in collaboration with several other scientists. Mike Whalen, Eric Mountjoy, and Peter Homewood were part of this team; we thank them and all the others who helped in the field. In addition, we thank Chevron Canada Resources for kindly providing part of the subsurface Previous HitdataNext Hit set for the Redwater reef complex. Al Clark and his colleagues provided critical input in the Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit of the Previous HitseismicNext Hit line. Jack Wendte introduced us to the cores across the Redwater reef complex and discussed, on several occasions, the results of our research. The interpretations presented in this paper are, however, solely our own. We also thank Tim McHargue, Chris Crescini, and Mike Grammer for their reviews of this manuscript and C. Tiltman, B. Fulton, and IFP for aid with the drafting.


The exceptional exposure of the margin of the Upper Devonian Miette (Frasnian) buildup in the Canadian Rockies provides a representative example of the sequence-stratigraphic framework of the Late Devonian for the subsurface of Alberta, Canada. The dominant eustatic sea level control during the Frasnian allows a comparison between the outcrop and subsurface buildups. A synthetic Previous HitseismicNext Hit section across the Miette buildup outcrop is used for calibrating and comparing the outcrop geometries and facies with Previous HitseismicNext Hit and log Previous HitdataNext Hit across the subsurface Redwater reef complex. The results of this case study illustrate that if the Previous HitseismicNext Hit geometries and characteristics are well calibrated with detailed geology, even lower-frequency Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit can be used to predict platform architecture and large-scale stratigraphic sequences.

The outcrop-derived sequence-stratigraphic framework is the basis for the impedance model for constructing synthetic Previous HitseismicNext Hit sections at various frequencies. The synthetic sections document the Previous HitseismicNext Hit characteristics of the platform, margin, and basinal areas. Two types of Previous HitseismicNext Hit-scale geometries are also found in the subsurface Redwater reef complex: a rimmed platform margin and clinoforms of a prograding platform. The iterative Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit of Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit and well logs with outcrop Previous HitdataNext Hit results in a reinterpretation of the platform architecture of the Redwater reef complex in the subsurface.

This reinterpretation is based on the identification of four sedimentological phases in a platform construction and the six third-order depositional sequences in outcrop that can be correlated to facies in core and the geometries observed on the Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit from the Redwater reef complex. Phase I is a regional carbonate ramp/platform and is characterized by a ramp platform architecture. Phase II is characterized by the retrogradation of the platform and the initiation of buildups and can contain low-angle progradation in the retrograding platforms. Phase III is characterized by platform aggradation and basin starvation. This phase generates a steep-rimmed platform margin. Phase IV is characterized by basin infill followed by platform progradation.

These four phases form in a second-order sea level cycle, in which Phases I–III are deposited during the transgressive part and Phase IV during the regressive part of the cycle. Such a coherent model can enhance both exploration and development and can be used or modified to fit analogous areas where Previous HitdataTop is lacking. Because this second-order sea level change in the Frasnian is mostly eustatic in nature, the resulting platform architecture is expected to be found in other age-equivalent isolated carbonate buildups in Canada or around the world.

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