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AAPG Special Volumes


K. R. McClay, 2004, Thrust tectonics and hydrocarbon systems: AAPG Memoir 82, p. 474-493.

Copyright copy2004. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Kinematic Evolution and Petroleum SystemsmdashAn Appraisal of the Outer Albanides

Franccedilois Roure,1 Shaqir Nazaj,2 Kristaq Mushka,2 Ilia Fili,2 Jean-Paul Cadet,3 Michel Bonneau3

1Institut Franccedilais du Peacutetrole, Rueil-Malmaison, France
2Oil and Gas Institute, Fieri, Albania
3University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France


This work was initiated in 1994 (OGI-IFP contract ndeg18002), and would not have been successfull without the strong support of numerous colleagues from OGI and Albpetrol. Thus, we greatly appreciated the collaboration of MM. Y. Sadiku, F. Fezgha, E. Seiti, L. Zaimi, and S. Dhrima. This work also benefited from the expertise of Mrs. C. Muumlller, MM. I. Mio, and E. Lafargue. MM. P. J. MacLaurin and I. Davison provided helpful comments on a former version of the manuscript.


The lithostratigraphic column of the Outer Albanides records a long geodynamic evolution. It began with a Liassic rifted margin made up of tilted fault blocks, carbonate platforms, and euxinic basins (Posidonia Schist) and evolved into a Paleogene flexed foreland, part of which inverted during the Neogene. The complex Mesozoic paleogeography accounts for the distribution of potential deacutecollement levels and lateral changes in structural styles.

Petroleum plays are numerous and result from the occurrence of various source rocks with contrasting burial histories and Previous HitmigrationTop pathways. To document the respective timing of thrusting, petroleum generation, and trapping, that is, the critical timing of Albanian petroleum systems, we have reconstructed the kinematic and thermal evolution of two representative regional transects that cross the Peri-Adriatic Depression and the Kruja Zone, as well as the Ionian Basin, in the northern and southern segments of the Outer Albanides, respectively.

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