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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


R. Sorkhabi and Y. Tsuji, 2005, Faults, fluid flow, and petroleum traps: AAPG Memoir 85, p. 139-151.

Copyright copy2005 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.


Previous HitFaultNext Hit Zone Architecture and Permeability Distribution in the Neogene Clastics of Northern Sarawak (Miri Airport Road Outcrop), Malaysia

Rasoul Sorkhabi,1 Shutaro Hasegawa2

1Technology Research Center, Japan National Oil Corporation, Chiba, Japan; Present address: Energy amp Geoscience Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.
2Technology Research Center, Japan National Oil Corporation, Chiba, Japan; Present address: Idemitsu Oil amp Gas Co., Tokyo, Japan.


We are grateful to the Japan National Oil Corporation (presently Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation) for supporting this study, to Kiyofumi Suzuki, Andrey Rezanov (formerly of Japan National Oil Corporation), Abdullah Adli, Jalil Basiron of Petroliam Nasional Bhd. for a wonderful fieldwork in Sarawak, and to Mario Wannier of Shell and Charles Stuart (both of whom have first-hand knowledge of the region) for reviewing the chapter and for their comments to improve it.


The Miri Airport Road outcrop in Miri, Sarawak, exposes a weakly consolidated sandstone-mudstone sequence of Miocene age in the form of a gentle anticline cut by a series of normal faults. An outcrop study of the normal faults shows that Previous HitfaultNext Hit zones in porous sandstones are characterized by a combination of shale smear and anastomosing deformation bands. The continuity of shale smear on Previous HitfaultNext Hit offset was observed as having a shale-smear factor (Previous HitfaultNext Hit throw divided by shale layer thickness) of at least 5. Deformation bands occur as solitary planar structures in the host sandstone away from Previous HitfaultNext Hit zones but increase markedly in density and linkage toward the Previous HitfaultNext Hit slip plane, possibly indicating that faulting evolves from individual bands to a high-strain zone characterized by anastomosing deformation bands and culminating in the Previous HitfaultNext Hit slip plane. Gas-permeability measurements show that individual deformation bands have an order of magnitude lower permeability than in the nearby sandstone matrix, and that the lowest permeability of Previous HitfaultNext Hit zones defined by anastomosing deformation bands is in traverses nearly perpendicular to Previous HitfaultNext Hit planes. It was found that the sandstone matrix in the Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone has a lower permeability than individual deformation bands outside the Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone, indicating that as a whole, the Previous HitfaultTop zone undergoes tectonic compaction and porosity collapse. The development of major normal faults was also accompanied by reactivation of bedding-perpendicular joints as small-displacement, simple-shear faults between the major faults.

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