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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Special Volumes
Parize, O., B. Beaudoin, J.-M. Champanhet, G. Fris, P. Imbert, R. Labourdette, B. Paternoster, J.-L. Rubino, and F. Schneider,
A Methodological Approach to Clastic Injectites: From Field Analysis to Seismic Modeling—Examples of the Vocontian Aptian and Albian Injectites (Southeast France)
Olivier Parize,1 Bernard Beaudoin,2 Jean-Michel Champanhet,3 Grard Fris,4 Patrice Imbert,5 Richard Labourdette,6 Benot Paternoster,7 Jean-Loup Rubino,8 Frdric Schneider9
1cole Nationale Suprieure des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France
2cole Nationale Suprieure des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France
3TOTAL, Tour Coupole, Paris La Dfense, France
4Institut Franais du Ptrole, Rueil-Malmaison, France
5TOTAL, Centre Scientifique et Technique Jean Feger, Pau, France
6TOTAL, Centre Scientifique et Technique Jean Feger, Pau, France
7TOTAL, Centre Scientifique et Technique Jean Feger, Pau, France
8TOTAL, Centre Scientifique et Technique Jean Feger, Pau, France
9BEICIP-FRANLAB, Rueil-Malmaison, France
This chapter summarizes studies on clastic injectites, which have been obtained since 1982 within the framework of different research programs conducted by the Ecole des Mines de Paris, with sponsorship from Andra (Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Dchets Radioactifs [French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management]) and Total.
We thank R. Andr-Jhan (Andra), Ph. Legrand (Total), and J. Tachet des Combes (Total) for their determining support for, respectively, the Early Fracturing Project, the Rosans Consortium, and the Rosans Project. We have also drawn on results concerning Massive Sands Project, which was partly funded by Total.
R. Bouchet, C. Cabrol, S. Eckert, Y. Grenetier, S. Lalande, J. Martinod, B. Paternoster, F. Schneider (students, Ecole des Mines de Paris), Y. Callec, C. El Maherssi, J. Maillart, B. Pinoteau, V. Truyol, R. Vandromme (Ph.D. students, Ecole des Mines de Paris), T. Bouchery (Ph.D. student, Lille University), N. Mechti (Ph.D. student, Paris–IX Orsay University), and P.-J. Alasset (Ph.D. student, University de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour [UPPA]) collaborated in the fieldwork as part of their respective degree courses. B. Geiss, D. Lawrence, A. Mouzy, and A. Roudil have participated in analyzing 3-D seismic data; Ph. Joseph, C. R. Garcia, D. Mercier, and F. Pons collaborated in the Toulaye–Serre d'Autruy outcrop analysis. Bevons–La Baume 3-D mapping was conducted with: F. Schneider. G. Bizon, J.-J. Bizon, and M. Caron who have identified the planktonic and benthic foraminifera; L.G. Bulot, R. Busnardo, M. Delamette, P. Destombes, J.-L. Latil, and J. Sornay who have identified the ammonites. Special thanks are also due to M. Berger, D. Cave, T. Denis, M. Lavigne du Cadet, F. Landri, and Ph. Le Car for their technical support.
We are extremely grateful to all Consortium Rosans participants, in particular E. Deloof, J.-C. Enes, J. A. Hegre, K. Holme, J.-M. Ichbia, D. Lawrence, A. Morash, P. Pogue, D. Rappin, and associates H. Perroud and D. Rousset (UPPA) for their friendly availability and their scientific support. The 2001 seismic survey was achieved thanks to C. and J. Desmero and B. and M. Gay, owners of the fields.
We thank all the participants of Vocontian field trips, workshops, or training, in particular the postdoctoral students of the Injectites Group (Aberdeen and Cardiff Universities); N. Mavilla and R. Valentinetti (Agip); M. Shahly (BP-Amoco); C. Puigdefabregas (Barcelona University); G. Ollier (Commission des Communauts Europennes-Direction Gnrale 12); F. Hadj Hassen, M. Tijani, and G. Vouille (Ecole des Mines de Paris); R. Hill (Exxon-Mobil); J.-M. Fonck (Georex); J. Totterdell (Geoscience Australia); O. J. Martinsen (Norsk Hydro); J. C. Faugres and A. Viana (Petrobras); H. Lseth (Statoil); and G. P. Allen, D. Claude, Ph. Crumeyrolle, P. Datillo, Y. Grosjean, D. Laurier, Ph. Legrand, R. Martin, E. Ousset, J. Pouzet, F. Rodot, M. Sullivan, F. Temple, and J. Vittori (Total) for their advice, constructive comments, and exchanges of opinion.
We also express our gratitude to J. Cartwright and J. Mertens for their review; A.-I. Beaudoin for her considerable improvement of the first English version; and A. Hurst and J. Cartwright for their determined support.
Hardly detected with logs and recognized with difficulty on cores, clastic injectites (sills and dikes) can be troublemakers in oil-field development. Moreover, they provide a precious record of early fracturation.
To predict their geometry, extension, and relationship to their feeders, field analysis of selected analog outcrops is conducted to propose some simple rules. In southeast France, the Aptian–Albian formation provides exceptional outcrops (Bevons, Rosans, and Nyons) where it is possible to characterize large sets of injectites: dikes and sills are associated in the same metric-to-kilometric network. The injection occurred per ascensum (more frequently) or per descensum, during or after the sand deposition. Specific geometric-based field methods have been developed to analyze the geometry based on the best conditions.
A three-dimensional (3-D) model of the Rosans area injectite network has been built through gOcad™ tool using outcrop analysis and an original, very high-resolution two-dimensional seismic acquisition (0.6 km2; 0.23 mi2). This field analysis, the seismic survey, and the 3-D modeling provide some keys to consider possible occurrences of injectites and associated facies related to a turbiditic channel fill.
We dedicate this article to the memory of our colleagues and friends G. P. Allen and D. Claude.
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