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Ortuno, A. S., E. Soriano M., C. Romero M., J. Rosales R., E. Bahena R., S. Hernandez G., and A. Cardenas, 2009, Two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical simulation of petroleum systems approaching the deep-water gulf of Mexico (Kayab Area, Campeche Sound, Mexico): Definition of thermally mature and prospective areas, in C. Bartolini and J. R. Roman Ramos, eds., Petroleum systems in the southern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Memoir 90, p. 117136.


Copyright copy2009 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Petroleum Systems Approaching the Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico (Kayab Area, Campeche Sound, Mexico): Definition of Thermally Mature and Prospective Areas

Salvador Ortuno Arzate1, Esteban Soriano M.2, Cuauhtemoc Romero M.3, Joel Rosales R.4, Edgar Bahena R.5, Sergio Hernandez G.6, Alejandro Cardenas7

1Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico D.F., Mexico
2Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico D.F., Mexico
3Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico D.F., Mexico
4Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico D.F., Mexico
5Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico D.F., Mexico
6Petroleos Mexicano (PEMEX), Exploracion y Produccion, Region Marina Noreste, Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
7Petroleos Mexicano (PEMEX), Exploracion y Produccion, Region Marina Noreste, Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico


We are grateful to Petroleos Mexicano (PEMEX) for allowing the publication of our manuscript. We are indebted to Francois Roure of the French petroleum Institute and John Bacheller at ExxonMobil for their very constructive reviews of the manuscript. We also thank Claudio Bartolini for the invitation to participate in this AAPG volume and to Salvador Villalbazo for figures and drawings.


By integrating geological, geochemical, and geophysical data and using Temispack software, a two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (Previous Hit3-DNext Hit) geological-numerical model is being developed for the sedimentary basins and petroleum systems in the Kayab offshore area.

The elements and processes of this petroleum system are intimately tied to its geodynamic history. The Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian, and Tithonian series contain source rocks buried to depths of between 4000 and 7500 m (13,123 and 24,606 ft). These sedimentary units are confined between autochthonous salt horizons, and allochthonous walls and intrusive bodies of salt. Salt is therefore a critical factor in the maturation of organic material (kerogen) in these strata. Salt-bounded subbasins are identified in which hydrocarbons were generated. The proximity to basement and the high thermal conductivity of the salt have generated liquid hydrocarbons from these source rocks. The numerical simulation of the shallower subbasins indicates that thermally immature conditions prevail, as in the case of the large Tunich structure.

Emphasis is placed on the importance of compression and halokinesis in focusing hydrocarbon migration toward Cretaceous breccia and limestone reservoirs within compressional stage anticlines and against salt wall structures.

The 2-D and Previous Hit3-DTop numerical simulation permits the definition of drainage areas and petroleum accumulations in the Kayab area. In a preliminary manner, it has been possible to define the prospective areas and initially quantify the amount of trapped hydrocarbons. A hierarchy of economically viable prospects has been derived from the numerical simulation in this frontier region. These studies are fundamental in understanding this part of the marine region, presently characterized by heavy oil (Cantarell and Ku-Maloob-Zaap), and in predicting the existence of an important new heavy oil province in the deep-water Gulf of Mexico.

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