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Sanchez Rios, M. A., M. L. Ayala Nieto, J. C. Gonzalez Lara, A. del Valle Reyes, J. Sanchez-Duran, P. Padilla Avila, D. Garcia Urbano, C. Perez Castillo, B. A. Reyna Tellez, A. Reyes Vazquez, P. A. Fuentes Franco, J. Rico Perez, L. Aguirre Meza, and G. Quintanilla Rodriguez, 2009, High-resolution biostratigraphy in Miocene–Pleistocene sediments from two wells in the western Gulf of Mexico, in C. Bartolini, and J. R. Roman Ramos, eds., Petroleum systems in the southern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Memoir 90, p. 369395.


Copyright copy2009 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

High-Resolution Biostratigraphy in Miocene–Pleistocene Sediments from Two Wells in the Western Gulf of Mexico

Maria Antonieta Sanchez Rios,1 Monica L. Ayala Nieto,2 Julio C. Gonzalez Lara,3 Aaron del Valle Reyes,4 Janett Sanchez-Duran,5 Patricia Padilla Avila,6 Daniel Garcia Urbano,7 Cristina Perez Castillo,8 Bruno A. Reyna Tellez,9 Antonio Reyes Vazquez,10 Paula A. Fuentes Franco,11 Juan Rico Perez,12 Lidia Aguirre Meza,13 Guillermo Quintanilla Rodriguez14

1Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
2Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
3Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
4Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
5Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
6Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
7Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
8Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
9Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
10Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
11Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Mexico,
12Petroleos Mexicanos, Edificio Aguila (Area de Paleontologia), Mexico
13Petroleos Mexicanos, Edificio Aguila (Area de Paleontologia), Mexico
14Petroleos Mexicanos, Edificio Aguila (Area de Paleontologia), Mexico


Special thanks to Adan Oviedo Perez, former subdirector of the Exploration Technical Coordination for authorizing the publication of this work. Our special gratitude goes to Mario Limon Gonzalez, former manager of Regional Geologic Models, for coordinating this research project. The same appreciation is extended to Fernando Navarro Vaca and Jorge E. Lugo. We also thank Dionisio Rodriguez Figueroa of the Regional Exploration Activo in Tampico for the amenities provided to develop this project. Our recognition goes to Yolanda Cabanas P., Daniel Perez Rodriguez, Rafael Espejel Correa, and Miguel Martinez Nevarez for their technical support. We are indebted to Rashel Rosen, Mark Jiang, Norman Rosen, and Christopher Denison for their detailed and constructive review of the manuscript.


An integrated high-resolution biostratigraphic study was conducted using calcareous nannofossils, planktonic and benthic foraminifers, and palynomorphs from two wells in the western Gulf of Mexico. Sediments range in age from early Pleistocene to middle Miocene.

The early Pleistocene is represented by nannoflora of biozone NN19 and microfauna from the Globorotalia truncatulinoides truncatulinoides biozones and by the dinocyst species Spiniferites delicatus, Spiniferites membranaceous, Multispinula quanta, and Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae. These sediments were deposited under inner to middle neritic bathymetric conditions.

The Pliocene was characterized by nannofossil biozones NN18, NN17, NN16, and NN15, and the NN14–NN12 interval; foraminifera biozones of Globorotalia miocenica, Globorotalia tosaensis tosaensis, Globorotalia margaritae, and the dinoflagellate cyst species; and Polysphaeridium zoharyi, Lingulodinium machaerophorum, Melitasphaeridium choanophorum, and Operculodinium crassum. Paleobathymetry was inner neritic-upper bathyal.

Late Miocene sediments produced microfossils indicating nannofossil biozones NN11, NN10, NN9, and the Globorotalia humerosa and Globorotalia acostaensis planktonic foraminiferal biozones. Dinoflagellate cysts found in these sediments were Spiniferites mirabilis, Dapsilidinium pastielsii, Sumatradinium hispidum, and Achomosphaera andalusiensis. These sediments were deposited under outer neritic-upper bathyal conditions.

Middle Miocene strata are represented by calcareous nannofossil biozones NN9, NN8, NN6, and NN5, and by the planktonic foraminiferal biozones Globorotalia mayeri, Globigerinoides rubber, Globorotalia fohsi lobata-Globorotalia fohsi robusta, Globorotalia fohsi fohsi, and probably by the upper part of the Globorotalia fohsiperipheroronda biozone. These strata were deposited mainly in outer neritic-upper bathyal environments.

Nannofossil diversity and abundance show notable variations throughout the two wells. A strong predominance of calcareous nannofossils and marine palynomorphs is present in outer neritic settings, and a planktonic foraminifer increase is observed mainly in the upper bathyal of well A. Continental palynomorphs are abundant in inner neritic-middle neritic settings, and a reduction is observed in the outer neritic-upper bathyal in well B.

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