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Donselaar, M. E., and J. M. Schmidt, 2010, The application of Previous HitboreholeNext Hit image logs to fluvial facies interpretation, in M. Poppelreiter, C. Garcia-Carballido, and M. Kraaijveld, eds., Dipmeter and Previous HitboreholeNext Hit image log technology: AAPG Memoir 92, p. 145166.


Copyright copy2010 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

The Application of Previous HitBoreholeNext Hit Image Logs to Fluvial Facies Interpretation

Marinus E. Donselaar,1 Jasper M. Schmidt2

1Department of Geotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
2Chevron Exploration and Production Netherlands B.V., Voorburg, Netherlands


Financial support from Nederlandsche Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) and Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors especially wish to thank Jurry van Doorn, Arie Vliegenthart, Ted Ter Burg, and Joachim Strobel (Schlumberger Wireline and Testing, The Hague, Netherlands) for the subsurface data acquisition and processing. The authors are grateful to AAPG reviewer Alison Mabillard for the constructive comments. Margarita Cuevas Gozalo is thanked for the core analysis and the discussions on log correlation and depositional model. Core analysis was performed at PanTerra Geoconsultants. Djin Nio (Enres International) kindly provided the CycloLog log analysis software. Kees Geel and Max Peeters are thanked for their contribution to the depositional model, Stefan Luthi for sharing his expertise on Previous HitboreholeNext Hit image analysis with us, and Irina Overeem for the discussions in the field. Albert Kettner kindly prepared the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Mieke Kosters, Clemens Visser, and nine groups of M.Sc. students have, in the period of 1998–2006, assisted with the data collection. Logistic support by Anne-Mieke Havermans and Jesus Laliena is acknowledged.


Electrical Previous HitboreholeNext Hit image logs have the potential for the direct interpretation of lithofacies types. The challenge is to create a set of diagnostic criteria with which microresistivity variations can be translated to lithofacies characteristics such as bedding sequences, sedimentary structures, and vertical grain-size successions. Behind-outcrop logging is a method to directly validate the Previous HitboreholeNext Hit images to real rock. In this chapter, sediments of the Huesca fluvial fan (Miocene, Ebro Basin, Spain) are used for the validation of behind-outcrop Previous HitboreholeNext Hit image logs. The logs were recorded in two 200-m (656-ft)-deep wells behind cliff-face outcrops. In addition to the outcrop control, one well was cored. Previous HitBoreholeNext Hit image log facies were defined from the vertical color succession and the dipmeter pattern and were correlated with the fluvial facies associations in outcrop. Four fluvial facies associations and corresponding Previous HitboreholeTop image facies were interpreted: (1) meandering rivers, (2) braided rivers, (3) crevasse deltas, and (4) crevasse splays. Vertical dipmeter successions were analyzed and yielded directional trends of the fluvial channels.

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