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Spatiotemporal Variations and Kinematics of Shale Mobility in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, India

Mainak Choudhuri,1 Debajyoti Guha,2 Arindam Dutta,3 Sudipta Sinha,4 Neeraj Sinha5

1Reliance Industries Limited, Petroleum Business (EampP), Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
2Shell Technology India Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
3Reliance Industries Limited, Petroleum Business (EampP), Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
4Reliance Industries Limited, Petroleum Business (EampP), Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
5Reliance Industries Limited, Petroleum Business (EampP), Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


We are grateful to Reliance Industries Limited-Petroleum Business (Exploration and Production) in general and Achyuta Ayan Misra and Nishikanta Kundu in particular for their sincere help and cooperation during the project.


Tertiary sediment loading on the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous passive-margin rift fills in the offshore Krishna-Godavari basin generated different episodes and patterns of mobile, shale-cored structures from the Paleocene to Pliocene. The Paleocene–Eocene shales in the deeper shelf and upper slope areas moved as a series of thrust slices, whereas the younger Miocene–Pliocene shales moved as individual bulges (diapirs). Lithological variability and shifting depocenters, prevailing tectonic conditions, and available space in the system for translation in space and time all influenced the spatiotemporal distribution of the shale-cored structures. A relation is also observed between the location of the Previous HittoeTop thrusts and shale diapirs, and the basement highs and escarpments. Two-dimensional palinspastic restorations, incorporating all the above variables, confirm the linkages between the sediment depocenters, growth faults, and mobile shales in the Krishna-Godavari basin.

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